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Tasers do not need direct contact. The device sends off electrical probes that can reach 15 feet away. Stun guns, on the other hand, must be at arms length, in order to reach the assailant.

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6mo ago

Yes, a taser needs to make contact with the body to deliver the electric shock that incapacitates the target. The prongs on the taser must pierce the clothing and skin to be effective.

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13y ago

Yes it does.

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Q: Does a taser have to contact the body to work?
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How many feet does a taser work?

A citizen Taser (Taser C2, X26c and M26c) can reach 15 feet.

Will a taser work if your body is grounded?

yes. there is no getting away from its affects. the taser gun works by atacking your muscles. the more muscle you have the harder you fall. the less muscle you have, well youll still fall. an officer can hit you in the legs and you will still feel it through your entire body.

What happens when you shoot a taser at a car?

Not much The probes will scratch the paint but not stick If you use a non-projectile type taser the metal car body will take the hit and all you will do is damage the paint job. The only way you could seriously damage a car with a taser is to find computer wires and connect them so the computer takes a hit direct from the taser. The metal body will otherwise short the taser so it can't do more than damage the paint.

Where did the term TASER originate from?

TASER is an acronym, named for a fictional weapon: Thomas A Swift's Electic Rifle. TASER is a rgisterd tradename of Taser Interntational. See:

How do you say taser in Spanish?

el taser

What is the maximum Distance for a taser gun to work?

The Taser C2 and Taser X26c are citizen Tasers. They can reach up to 15 feet. The closer the Taser is shot, the less distance there will be between the 2 probes. When aiming with the laser sight, it illuminates where the top probe will hit. The second probe will land under the top one.

Who made the taser?

Thomas A. Swift invented the Taser. TASER is an acronym for Thomas A Swifts' Electronic Rifle

What is the purpose of a taser gun?

A taser gun is an electronic device that has two electric leads on the front of the device and a control switch to create a current. The device has the ability to stun a person when they come in contact between the lead, completing the circuit.

What the requirement of own and use a taser in the state of Virginia?

All a person has to do to carry or own a Taser in Virginia, is to pass a felony background check. This is a simple, approximately 10 minute, check. It can be done through Taser International's website or by calling them. The Taser C2 comes in an innactive state and you should contact Taser International, once you receive the unit from the seller. The Taser X26C come active, so you will be required to take the felony background check, before you purchase the unit. Once you pass the test, the seller will be able to send you the unit.

When was Taser International created?

Taser International was created in 1993.

How does a taser gun work?

TASER C2 and TASER X26c SAFETYTASER devices can stop threats from up to 15 ft. (4.6 m). Or, you can use the TASER device as a contact stun device, a powerful backup capability. In field uses by law enforcement against dangerous suspects, TASER technology has among the lowest injury rates of any force option. However, TASER devices are not risk free and may cause injuries, primarily from falls or physical exertion. Use of TASER devices should not be undertaken lightly. Detailed product warnings are availabe.TASER C2 and TASER X26c EFFECTIVENESSA hit anywhere on the body can be effective with a TASER device, making it easier to use and more reliable under stress than any other use-of-force option.TASER electronic control devices are field proven up to 95% effective in actual police use, the highest of any similar device. TASER International makes the only device that can truly incapacitate people under the influence of PCP and other dangerous drugs. Further, a hit anywhere on the body can be effective, making it easy to use and more reliable under stress.TASER DEVICES ARE EASY TO USETASER technology has been available to citizens concerned with self-defense for over a decade. Unlike conventional weapons, TASER devices are effective with a hit anywhere on the body. To be effective for self-defense, bullets risk more lethal consequences, striking the head or vital organs. Similarly, chemical or pepper sprays must hit an assailant in the face, a much less reliable alternative in fast moving confrontations. And, in a windy environment, sprays can be blown back onto the user.TASER Personal Protection Devices can be used more effectively and reliably than many other self-defense technologies.

Can a felon posses a taser in AZ m 18?

Felons are not allowed to use a Taser in any state. It is against TASER INTERNATIONAL policy.