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No. Tornadoes are spawned by thunderstorms, which are unrelated to plate tectonics. Plate boundaries may result in the development of volcanoes, earthquakes, and tsunamis.

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3w ago

No, plate boundaries do not directly cause tornadoes. Tornadoes are typically formed in severe thunderstorms when warm, moist air interacts with cool, dry air and winds create a rotating column of air. Plate boundaries are more associated with tectonic activity such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

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Q: Does a plate Boundary cause a tornado?
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What type of plate boundary causes a tornado?

Tornadoes are a a phenomenon of weather, not geology. Their occurrence has nothing to do with plate boundaries.

What plate boundary is the boundary at which plates collide or come together?

The plate boundary at which plates collide or come together is called a convergent boundary. At convergent boundaries, one plate is typically forced beneath the other in a process known as subduction. This collision can lead to the formation of mountain ranges, deep ocean trenches, and volcanic activity.

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Convergent BoundaryA destructive plate boundary with a subduction zone.

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