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Age plays an integral role when it is associated with IQ. It is very hard to say, whether the IQ decreases or increases with the passage of time. There are many factors that play an important role like health, environment, peer group and individual routine activities.

The psychologist have proved that majority of the human learning takes place in early stages of the one's life. As the individual grows up their learning capability drops down.

Lets take the example of Steve Jobs (Late). He was aged person but no person can doubt his intelligence. He has simply socked the world with best technology gadgets. In this way we can say that IQ and age are not highly correlated.

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Q: Does a person's IQ decrease with age?
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What is the Average IQ of an American Citizen?

The average IQ for anyone is 100. It forms a bell-shaped curve. Stand deviation is 70-130 I think, but don't quote me on that. IQs are adjusted for age. There is no such thing as a perfect IQ test. But lets pretend there is one. If you took this ideal IQ test at any point in your life, you would get the exact same score every time unless you developed some type of mental illness. There would be no highest or lowest possible score. Of course this impossible with a finite number of questions, because you could get them all right. Actual IQ tests tend to increase slightly with every year spent as a student, and then decrease very gradually after you finish your education. This shows that you are learning something in your education that is giving you an advantage on the IQ test. An ideal IQ test is impossible to prepare or study for and learning new things shouldn't effect it.

What type of adipose tissue tends to decrease as humans age?

Brown adipose tissue (BAT) tends to decrease as humans age. This type of adipose tissue is more metabolically active and dissipates energy as heat. Its decline with age is associated with a decrease in metabolic rate and a potential increase in the likelihood of obesity.

What age metabolic rates tend to decline?

Metabolic rates generally start to decline around the age of 30. As we get older, muscle mass tends to decrease and fat mass tends to increase, which can contribute to a decrease in metabolic rate. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help maintain metabolism as we age.

Does old age affects the ability to detect salt?

Yes, old age can affect the ability to detect salt. As people age, their taste buds may decrease in number and sensitivity, leading to decreased ability to taste salty flavors. This can sometimes result in older individuals needing to add more salt to their food in order to taste it.

This shows a in the number of males as age increases?

population pyramid; decrease

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Is an IQ of154 good for an 11 year old?

The a persons IQ value will not change with age so your IQ at 11 and your IQ at 111 would be the same. That being said, the average IQ is 100, so a score of 154 is extraordinary.

What is the right IQ for 11 year old?

IQ is already adjusted for age. There is no RIGHT IQ for any age. The average IQ for any age is defined as 100. 115 is a bright person, 130 or more gifted. 90 or less slow, 70 or less mentally retarded. Whatever the persons age the numbers mean the same.

What is the average IQ for persons over 70 years of age?

The average IQ for people over 70 years of age is around 100, which is the same as the general population. However, some studies suggest a slight decline in IQ scores for individuals as they age.

What is a persons average IQ?

average IQ is 100

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What is the IQ for a twelve year old?

IQ is not based upon age. A persons IQ doesn't even change very much through out life, only about 5 IQ points at the most. Therefore asking the IQ of a twelve year old is not a very good question. The average IQ is about 100 though. To find out the exact IQ of a certain person they would have to take an IQ test.

What is your age if your IQ is 56?

IQ is not strongly associated with age. An IQ of 56 represents mental retardation, but nothing about the person's age.

What is your IQ supposed to be when you are 16?

IQ is non-age dependent. IQ tests can be made for people in different age ranges, but there is no average score for a certain age range. The average IQ for any age is 100.

What is the nomal IQ for 13 year old?

IQ has nothing to do with age. Average IQ for ANY age is 100.

How does age affect IQ?

IQ remains relatively stable after the age of 5.

What is the average IQ for a 21 year old?

Age has nothing to do with IQ. An average IQ is 100, no matter what age a person is.

What age would have the IQ of 75?

IQ is not dependent on age. Regardless of age, a person who possessed an IQ of 75 would be Mildly Retarded, or very close to that.