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First , the two will use camouflage as their first means of protection . The Killdeer will attempt to distract a predator away from the nest by feigning injury while leading the predator away from her nest whereas Quail will protect their offspring by covering them with her wings .

Outside of these stratagems I'm not sure what other means they employ in the protection of their young .

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Q: Does a mother killdeer bob white and quail protect their young from predators?
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Killdeer, whippoorwill, certain warblers.

Does a baby Quail need a mother for warmth Will it die if it doesn't have her?

yes a baby quail does need its mother for warmth it is very hard to raie baby quails with out their mother

How does a mother quail care for a baby quail?

The mother carries the baby by the scruff of the neck, the finds bugs, small plants etc. and feeds it.

What are the valley quail's enemies?

The quail family has many predators. Besides man, hawks take a number of quail. Also, cats, foxes and coyotes. Snakes may feed on young quail.

Why do quail form a circle facing outwards?

to protect each other?

What is eats a quail?

Quails are prey to foxes, coyotes, hawks and occasionally snakes and humans. Yes, I had a recall pen and I had to protect my quail from all these preditors.

Is it illegal to own a button-quail?

'Button Quails' are actually an endangered species, not the Quail that everyone owns. The Quail people own is a decendent of a BQ, but is actually a Chinese Paint Quail. So, protecting the Button Quail, the real Button Quail, is the main priority. So, do you mean the Chinese Painted Quail?Otherwise, we should try to protect the BQ, and let it live in peace.(also, it may depend on where you are)

Can the mother quail feel the chicks in the egg?

No, but she can hear and call to them towards the end of incubation.

Why do baby quail get under the Wings of their mothers periodically?

Baby Quail will seek the protection of their mother beneath her wings at any perceived threat . They also can get warmth from grouping together.

What is the phylum of a quail?

Some types of quail are bobwhite quails, button quails, coturnix or Japanese quail, gambles quail, mearns quail, mountain quail, scaled quail, California quail and more

What is the plural of quail?

Quails or quail. Either is acceptable.

Who is the cartoon quail who whistles?

"The Crackpot Quail" starring Quentin Quail .