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Yes, a low mass star will end its life cycle as a white dwarf. After exhausting its nuclear fuel, the star will shed its outer layers to form a planetary nebula, leaving behind the dense core known as a white dwarf.

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Q: Does a low mass star end its life as a white dwarf?
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Are white dwarf stars a low mass star?

A white dwarf is the remnant of a low to medium mass star.

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white dwarf. unless you count black dwarf of which none have been observed, only theorized.

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No. A white dwarf is the remnant of a low to medium mass star.

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Its Mass.

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A white dwarf could not become a red dwarf. A white dwarf is a remnant of a dead star. A red dwarf is a star with a very low mass.

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Star of one stellar mass, red giant, white dwarf, planetary nebula

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There are small hot stars - White dwarfs, neutron stars but by furtue that they are hot, means they are not near the end of their lives. It takes a long long time for all the residual heat to escape into the Universe. So, there are NO hot stars near the end of it's life.

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the steps in the life of a star is the yellow dwarf,red giant,white dwarf & the black dwarf.

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Then, depending on the remaining mass of the star, it will collapse into a white dwarf, a neutron star (aka pulsar), or a black hole.Then, depending on the remaining mass of the star, it will collapse into a white dwarf, a neutron star (aka pulsar), or a black hole.Then, depending on the remaining mass of the star, it will collapse into a white dwarf, a neutron star (aka pulsar), or a black hole.Then, depending on the remaining mass of the star, it will collapse into a white dwarf, a neutron star (aka pulsar), or a black hole.

What does a high mass and low mass star end as?

white dwarf

What is a low- meduim- mass star the becomes the end of its life?

A low to medium-mass star eventually evolves into a red giant as it runs out of fuel in its core. After shedding its outer layers, the star will collapse into a white dwarf, which is the end stage of its life cycle.

What might be the end point of a star with a mass larger than the sun?

It can become a white dwarf, a neutron star or a black hole, depending on the mass that remains at the end of the star's life.