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Q: Does a functional region have a transition zone at its center?
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What is the Transition zone between arid climate and more humid climates?

Savanna is the grassland transition zone between a desert and a more humid region.

What is a transitional zone?

Biomes' are not separated with a distinct line, they transition into one another. This transition is the transitional zone.

What land region is directly south of the Sahara?

The Sahel is a transition zone directly below the Sahara.

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What does the transition zone do?

Biomes' are not separated with a distinct line, they transition into one another. This transition is the transitional zone.

Does the transition zone separate the lower mantle from the upper mantle?

Yes, the transition zone is a region in the Earth's mantle located between the upper and lower mantle. It is marked by changes in temperature, pressure, and mineral composition.

What is an example of a Functional region?

An example of a functional region is a commuting zone, where people travel to work or conduct business within a specific area. This region is defined by the patterns of movement and interaction between different places.

What is the region of Africa between the desert and the grasslands?

Between the Sahara Desert and the northern edge of the savanna is the Sahel. The Sahel is an arid grassland. However, overgrazing is converting the Sahel into desert.

What are the two transition zones in the Russian realm?

The two transition zones in the Russian realm are the Ural Mountains and the West Siberian Plain. The Ural Mountains separate European Russia from Siberia, while the West Siberian Plain transitions from the Ural Mountains into the vast Siberian region.

Is the dark zone the transition zone?
