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Q: Does a doubled chromosome have one original and one copy?
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What does chrimatid mean?

A chromatid means one copy, or a daughter cell, of a duplicated chromosome, which is joined to another copy by a single centromere. Each contain the same DNA and chromosome protein as the original cell.

What is the term for an individual who has an extra copy of one chromosome or is missing a chromosome - Is it something-'ploid'?

Aneuploid - the individual has an extra copy of one chromosome or is missing a chromosome.

One half of a duplicated chromosome?

A duplicated chromosome consists of two identical sister chromatids joined at the centromere. Therefore, one half of a duplicated chromosome refers to one of these sister chromatids, which contains a copy of the genetic material from the original chromosome.

What ensures that each new eukaryotic cell receives a copy of each chromosome?

The process of mitosis ensures that each new eukaryotic cell receives a copy of each chromosome. During mitosis, the chromosomes are duplicated and then segregated equally into two daughter cells. This ensures that each daughter cell receives a complete set of chromosomes.

A copy of each chromosome is made in which stage of mitosis?

One copy will be made totalling 2 of the same chromosome, one for each cell.

What is the correct term for an individual who has an extra copy of one chromosome or is missing a chromosome?


One of the two homologous strands of a chromosome?

A homologous strand of a chromosome is a duplicated copy of the original chromosome, formed during DNA replication. It contains the same genetic information as the original chromosome and is held together by a centromere. Homologous chromosomes play a key role in meiosis, where they pair up and exchange genetic material during crossing over.

What is meiosis associated with?

Sexual reproduction took me a while 2 figure it out 2

What are heterologous chromosomes?

Heterologous chromosomes are chromosomes that are not homologous, meaning they do not carry the same set of genes in the same order. In humans, chromosomes 1-22 are homologous pairs, while the sex chromosomes (X and Y) are heterologous. Heterologous chromosomes are important for determining an individual's sex and can lead to genetic disorders if they are imbalanced.

How many copies of a gene does each somatic cell have?

Each somatic cell typically has two copies of each gene, one inherited from each parent. This is known as diploid.

If nondisjunction occurs in meiosis II for one chromosome what will be the result at the completion of meiosis?

If nondisjunction occurs in meiosis II for one chromosome, the result would be that one gamete receives an extra copy of the chromosome and one gamete lacks that chromosome. This results in aneuploidy in the offspring, which can lead to genetic disorders such as Down syndrome.

Do normal sperm or egg cells in a human have one copy of each chromosome?
