No, Gene Simmons did not eat rats. There is a rumor that he once ate a live bat on stage, imitating Ozzy Osbourne, but this has been debunked and is not true.
humans, black bear, achisaurus(this one is extinct) ,seagulls, raccoons, skunk.
They eat all of the food they can get. They also hide
Rats are very adaptable. They survive all round the world, in many different climates. They eat everything and anything. Rats will probably not be affected too much by climate change, because they can adapt.
Foxes, coyotes, bears, and some birds of prey such as hawks and owls are examples of omnivores that may eat rabbits as part of their diet.
Can rats eat silkworm
they eat rats and rodents
Grass rats eat grass.
Yes, hawks eat rats.
Rats can eat jelly in small amounts. Rats are typically scavengers and will eat just about anything they can get their hands on.
Yes, rats are known to eat other dead rats as a means of scavenging for food.
mice and rats eat cheese
young rats eat feces from their mother's ramparts
no if rats eat green beans they will get sick.
Rats can and will eat raw meat when it is available to them.
yes rats eat mosquitos because they eat all insects