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It rests on the dorsal part of your body. The ventral is the front part of your body, so your stomach/chest area.

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4w ago

A backpack rests on the dorsal part of your body, specifically on the back.

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Q: Does a backpack rest on dorsal or ventral part of your body?
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What is ventral and dorsal?

Ventral refers to the belly side or front of an organism, while dorsal refers to the back or upper side. These terms are commonly used to describe the positioning of structures or features on an organism.

What body cavity is not part of the dorsal cavity?

The abdominal cavity is not part of the dorsal cavity. It is located in the ventral cavity, along with the thoracic and pelvic cavities.

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Pertaining to the front part?

Dorsal and ventral.

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The frontal plane separates the body into dorsal and ventral parts. This can also be called a coronal plane.

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no, it's part of the dorsal cavity

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Upper part darker, can see venation more clearly. Upper part (ventral) originates from xylem. Lower part (dorsal) originates from phloem. Do not confuse with other denominations of dorsal/ventral.

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The term ventral refers to which part of the body?

most simply dorsal = back side and ventral = or front side. This may vary depending on the morphology of the specific species you're looking at (i.e. back and front could mean top and bottom). An easy way to determine the dorsal side is asking yourself what side is closest to the spine, or the notochord etc. if not a vertebrate. In contrast, coming from the Latin word "venter" meaning belly; the ventral side contains the abdomen or digestive tract.

What is another name for ventral?

Anterior. The ventral part of a person is their front. The dorsal part is their back. In quadrupeds like cats the ventral part usually faces the ground; in bipeds like people it faces the way their faces face.

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The anatomic position is used as a standardized reference point in anatomy, with palms facing outward to show the body in a neutral stance. This positioning allows for consistent descriptions and orientation of body structures for medical and anatomical studies. It also makes it easier to reference the relative positions of body parts accurately.

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