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Actally Saturn does not have an atmosphere at all. Its 7 rings each have there own atmosphere.

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6y ago

Saturn has an atmosphere, it is a gas planet!. However the atmosphere is not like Earth's atmosphere.

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Q: Does Saturn have an atmosphere like Earth?
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Do Saturn and Earth have thin atmospheres?

Earth has a thin atmosphere. Saturn has a thick atmosphere.

What planet in the solar system may have an atmosphere like Earth's?

No planet has an atmosphere like Earth's. The closest we have is Mars. However, even more earthlike is the atmosphere of Titan, Saturn's largest moon.

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Titan is the only one of Saturn's moons that has an appreciable atmosphere. It is most like earth's atmosphere in its high concentration of nitrogen (98% compared to Earth's 78%).

Does Saturn have an atmosphere like earth if so what types of gases make up this atmosphere?

Saturn does have an atmosphere, but it is primarily composed of hydrogen and helium. Other gases present in smaller amounts include methane, ammonia, and traces of other hydrocarbons. Unlike Earth's atmosphere, Saturn's atmosphere is much thicker, with its famous bands and storms dominated by high-speed winds.

Is Saturn atmosphere breatheble?

No. Earth is the only known planet with a breathable atmosphere. Saturn's atmosphere consists mostly of hydrogen and helium.

How does the atmosphere on Saturn compare to earth?


What kind of person live on Saturn?

No, because Saturn has an atmosphere, but it's not the same kind of atmosphere as Earth. Humans can't breathe the atmosphere on Saturn and there's no surface on Saturn. It's made of gas.

How many atmosphere gases does Saturn have?

Saturn's atmosphere is composed primarily of hydrogen and helium, with small amounts of methane, ammonia, and other trace gases. It does not have a breathable atmosphere like Earth.

How do you compare Saturn's temperature to earth's temperature?

Because of atmosphere

What is the Level of oxygen on Saturn?

There is oxygen in the atmosphere of Saturn, but it is only a tiny fraction of the deep atmosphere, which is mostly hydrogen. It is not in a usable form as is oxygen on Earth.

Is there any atmospheres in Saturn?

Yes; Saturn is primarily "atmosphere." It doesn't have a firm surface the way Earth does.

What moon has an atmosphere very similar to earth?

Saturn's moon Titan.