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Mercury shines by reflecting light from just one single star: our Sun.

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3w ago

Mercury does not shine with its own light. It reflects light from the Sun, just like all other planets in our solar system.

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Q: Does Mercury shine with its own light or reflected light from stars?
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Do moons comets and stars shine as a result of reflected light?

Moons and comets appear to shine because of the light they reflect. Stars produce their own light.

Do stars shine because of reflected light?

No, stars do not shine due to reflected light. Stars generate their own light through nuclear fusion in their cores, which releases energy in the form of light and heat. This process creates the intense brightness that we see from stars in the night sky.

Do planets stars and comets shine as a result of reflected light?

No, planets, stars, and comets shine due to their own sources of light. Stars produce light through nuclear fusion in their cores. Planets and comets can also reflect light from the Sun, but they do not emit their own light.

Are stars reflected light?

No. Stars emit light.

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No. They are the hottest. The coolest stars shine predominantly with red light.

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Burns and the sun makes stars light up as the light is reflected........

What process do stars use to shine?

in stars neuclear fussion happens,from which photons are generated which emit light and heat,thats why stars shine.

How do the stars shine?

Stars shine through the process of nuclear fusion, where hydrogen atoms combine to form helium releasing energy in the form of light and heat. This process occurs in the core of the star where high temperatures and pressures are present. The energy produced from nuclear fusion is what causes stars to shine brightly in the sky.

What is different about the light you see from planets?

Its reflected sun light - unlike the stars which generate their own light.

Are the stars and moon luminous?

Stars are luminous, shine by themseves. Moon isn't, it can only reflect light.

What is the difference between light and reflected light?

Source light is light coming directly from a light source/emitter (i.e. a light bulb, the sun, stars, etc.). Reflected light is light coming indirectly from the light source/emitter. That could be reflected, refracted light, etc.

Does the sun shine in space and why?

Yes, the sun shines in space because it emits light and energy through a process called nuclear fusion. In the vacuum of space, there is no atmosphere to scatter or block the sunlight, allowing it to travel through space and reach planets and other objects.