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6d ago

Jupiter has a longer year than Earth. It takes about 12 Earth years for Jupiter to complete one orbit around the sun.

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Q: Does Jupiter have a shorter or longer year than earth?
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Does earth have a longer day than Jupiter?

Yes 1 day on Earth is 24 hours, 1 day on Jupiter is about 9.9 hours

What causes earths years to be shorter than Jupiter's years?

Well, we are closer to the sun, closer then Jupiter, so it makes our revolution shorterbecause we have a shorter distance to travel, hence Jupiter having a longer year then Earth.

What is longer a day on Earth or a day on Jupiter?

A day on Jupiter is shorter than a day on Earth. A day on Earth is approximately 24 hours, while a day on Jupiter lasts about 9.9 hours.

What causes Earth's year to be shorter than Jupiter's year?

Earth's year is shorter than Jupiter's year because Earth is closer to the sun and therefore orbits it faster. Jupiter's year is longer because it is farther from the sun, so it takes more time to complete one orbit.

Are months longer on Jupiter or Earth?

Months are longer on Earth than they are on Jupiter, because Jupiter's days are only 10 hours long.

Why is a day on Jupiter shorter than a day on earth?

A day on Jupiter is shorter than a day on Earth because Jupiter rotates much faster on its axis compared to Earth. This rapid rotation causes Jupiter to complete a full rotation in about 10 hours, leading to shorter day length.

Why is earth's year shorter than Jupiter's?

The length of a planet's year is determined by its distance from the sun and its orbital speed. Jupiter is farther away from the sun than Earth, so it takes longer to complete one orbit. Jupiter's larger size and mass also mean it moves more slowly in its orbit compared to Earth.

Would Jupiter have a longer or shorter year than earth?

It would have a longer year, because it is further away from the Sun, and so would take a longer time to orbit it. A year is dictated by how long we take to orbit the Sun. Yes and in fact Jupiter takes about 11.9 Earth years to orbit the Sun.

Which planet has a shorter day than Earth?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

How do Jupiter's density and period of rotation compare to Earth's?

Jupiter is less dense and has a shorter period of rotation.

Why are days on Jupiter shorter than the days on Earth?

Days on Jupiter are shorter than those on Earth because Jupiter has a much faster rotation, completing a full rotation on its axis in just under 10 hours. Earth, in comparison, takes about 24 hours to complete one full rotation. This difference in rotation speeds is why Jupiter's days are shorter.

Which planets have longer and shorter years than earth?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune have longer years than Earth, while Mercury, Venus, and Mars have shorter years. The length of a planet's year is determined by its orbital period - the time it takes to complete one orbit around the Sun.