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Dr. Jane Goodall, when not travelling, is in Bournemouth, United Kingdom or Tanzania. You can follow her travels on her myspace blog located in the Related Links.

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3w ago

No, Jane Goodall does not currently live in London. She travels extensively for her conservation work, but her primary residence is in the United States.

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How did Jane Goodall die from her chimpanzee?

Jane Goodall is still alive as of 2021, and there is no information to suggest that she has died from a chimpanzee attack.

Is Jane Goodall dead?

No, Jane Goodall is alive. She is a renowned primatologist and conservationist known for her groundbreaking research on chimpanzees.

How long did Jane Goodall live with the chimpanzees for?

Jane Goodall studied chimpanzies for 51 years

Who did Jane Goodall live with?

her huspand name fifi!!!!!!!!!

What did Jane Goodall live?

that doesnt make sense...

How did Jane Goodall find the right place and climate for the chimps to live?

She didn't. Louis Leakey discovered Jane Goodall, and sent her to Tanzania, where he already knew they were.

What months does Jane Goodall live in Tanzania?

i have a wonderful book from the library its called my life with the chimpanzees it's by Byron Preiss it is where i got most of this information. Jane Goodall went to study in Tanzania in 1960 and she still is today with the help of a Tanzanian field staff.

Where did Jane Goodall live when she was a TEEN?

LA,Belle,Rose St.

Where did Jane Goodall live?

Dame Commander of the Order of the British EmpireValerie Jane Morris-Goodall, the world's foremost expert on chimpanzees, divides her time between London, Tanzania, and the world, as her animal welfare work keeps her very busy. DEEBOY WROTE THIS!!

How did Jane Goodall effect how you live today?

Jane Goodall's work in primatology and conservation has inspired many to care for the environment and all living creatures on Earth. Her dedication to understanding and protecting chimpanzees has raised awareness about the importance of preserving wildlife and their habitats, influencing how people view their relationship with nature and the need for sustainable living practices.

Did Jane Goodall have hobbies?

she loved the out doors when she was little she always said she would live in wild life

What equipment did Jane Goodall use while working on her discovery?

chimpanzees and other animals to find out how chimpanzees live