Not in the modern age. Greenland is suspected of having a shallow crust under the ice cap, but no volcanic activity has been recorded.
Volcanos burn
Parasitic cone volcanos and cinder cone volcanos are not the same when classifying. Cinder cone volcanos are the most popular type of volcano, named for its cone shaped formation. Cinder cone volcano are also considered the smallest type of volcanos and can stand alone or grow on the flanks of other volcanos. The parasitic cone volcanos are similar to the cinder cones, however, the volcano is found on the flanks of other volcanos, hence, the name. It is created by flank eruptions of larger volcanos.
they errupt
at the top?
venus - active volcanos injecting sulfate into atmosphere, heat from radioactive decayearth - active volcanos, heat from radioactive decaymars - extinct volcanos, no activity in milllion of years, heat from radioactive decayio - active volcanos, heat from mechanical strain from orbit shapeThere are probably others.
The cast of Erupting Volcanos - 1990 includes: Twin Volcanos
Where in asia volcanos found
Volcanos burn
There are no active volcanos in the Grand Canyon
Volcanologist* -- Volcano = Volcanos Ology= Study of -- It is the study of volcanos
Greenland is not in a region. Greenland is in the territory of Denmark. There are many regions in Greenland.
Parasitic cone volcanos and cinder cone volcanos are not the same when classifying. Cinder cone volcanos are the most popular type of volcano, named for its cone shaped formation. Cinder cone volcano are also considered the smallest type of volcanos and can stand alone or grow on the flanks of other volcanos. The parasitic cone volcanos are similar to the cinder cones, however, the volcano is found on the flanks of other volcanos, hence, the name. It is created by flank eruptions of larger volcanos.
they aren't made BY volcanos but they are made in the volcanos
Japan is a country with volcanos and has over 100 active ones.
Vulcanologists are scientists that study volcanos and anything relating to volcanos (including magma, lava, etc...).