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Chromosomes are constructed from Dna.

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Chromosomes are made up of DNA. DNA wraps around proteins called histones to form structures called nucleosomes, which then coil and condense to create chromosomes. Each chromosome contains a single, long DNA molecule.

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Q: Does DNA have chromosomes in it or is it the other way around?
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Related questions

Is the DNA made of chromosomes?

Yes, chromosomes contain tightly compacted DNA and proteins. Chromosomes are the form that DNA is found in when the cell is undergoing division, during other phases the DNA is less tightly coiled.

Does DNA have cells?

no. Cells have DNA not the other way around

How many chromosomes are in a genome?

The number of chromosomes in a genome varies depending on the species. For humans, there are 46 chromosomes (23 pairs) in a genome. Each chromosome contains thousands of genes that carry genetic information.

Are chromosomes tightly packed DNA or loosely packed DNA?

Chromosomes are tightly packed DNA, consisting of long strands of DNA wrapped around proteins called histones. This compact structure helps to ensure that the DNA is able to fit inside the nucleus of a cell and is organized in a way that allows for efficient regulation and replication.

What best describes the way that genes chromosomes and DNA are related?

your mother

Are daughter cells found in DNA?

No, DNA is found in daughter cells, not the other way around.

Are nucleotides made up of chains of DNA?

other way around

What in the cell was controls and coordinates the activities of the cell?

The nucleus by way of the chromosomes, which contain the genes (DNA).

My name means''colord bodies''and you contian DNA you pass on triats to new cells in a systematic way.?

It is Chromosomes

What is the structure of all the chromosomes?

Each chromosome is made up of DNA tightly coiled many times around proteins called histones that support its structure.Chromosomes are made up of chromatin, tangled DNA networks, that are 'super-coiled' and large enough to be seen by a microscope.

How many genes do you have on one set of chromosomes in one of your cells?

Its the other way around. We have 46 chromosomes in each of our cells. The number of genes per chromosome varies between 500 and 4,000, with a total of about 32,000 genes in the 46 chromosomes.

How does mitosis ensure that each daughter nucleus receives a complete set of chromosomes?

During the S phase of mitosis (within interphase) DNA is synthesized and replicated making sister chromosomes. The cell then progresses and eventually gets to anaphase, in which the chromosomes get pulled apart by the centromeres holding the 2 sister chromosomes together. This way the daughter cells will have the same exact DNA as the parents cell, one with the same DNA, one with an exact copy.