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Concrete absorbs visible light and re-radiates it as infrared energy

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 5d ago

No, concrete does not absorb visible light and re-radiate it as infrared energy. Concrete reflects and scatters visible light, and it absorbs some of the heat energy from sunlight. This absorbed heat can then be released over time as infrared radiation when the concrete cools down.

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Q: Does Concrete absorbs visible light and re-radiates it as infrared energy?
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The Earth emits more infrared radiation than the Sun. The Sun emits mostly visible light and ultraviolet radiation, while the Earth's surface absorbs this energy and reradiates it as infrared radiation due to its lower temperature.

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After the earth absorbs the visible light from the sun the earth re-emits the infrared emissions as the type of the electromagnetic waves.

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Infrared radiation has longer wavelengths than visible light.

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The ground absorbs visible sunlight energy and converts it into heat. This heat gets transferred to the surrounding air through conduction and convection. Some of the energy may also be used by plants for photosynthesis.

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Infrared radiation has longer wavelengths and lower frequencies than visible radiation. It is not visible to the human eye but can be felt as heat. Visible radiation, on the other hand, is within the spectrum that is visible to humans.

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Visible light is the portion of the electromagnetic spectrum that humans can see, with wavelengths ranging from about 400 to 700 nanometers. Infrared light, on the other hand, has longer wavelengths than visible light and is not visible to the human eye. Infrared light is commonly used in applications such as night vision technology and thermal imaging.

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Black, an absence of visible color, appears such because it absorbs the visible light spectrum when struck. White is the presence of the entire visible light spectrum, and as such absorbs very little light. This is why white objects do not heat as quickly as black objects when left in direct sunlight. Of course, the heat that is actually stored by any object is infrared, which is why even with a pure white surface, that surface still captures some heat.

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The Earth and atmosphere absorb the visible and infrared energy and this warms the earth.

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Visible light has more energy than infrared light. This is because visible light has shorter wavelengths and higher frequencies compared to infrared light.

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Energy from the sun reaches the Earth in the form of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light and infrared radiation. This energy is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere and surface, warming the planet and driving various processes like photosynthesis and weather patterns.

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Infrared radiation has lower energy than visible light. It falls in the electromagnetic spectrum between microwaves and visible light.

Example of how infrared waves and visible light are important in your life?

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