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No, a reflex arc begins with a receptor that detects a stimulus and sends a signal through a sensory nerve to the central nervous system.

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Q: Does A reflex arc begins with a receptor at the end of a sensory nerve?
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What is the receptor of a reflex arc?

The receptor of a reflex arc is typically a sensory neuron that detects a stimulus such as pain, pressure, or temperature changes. These sensory neurons send signals to the central nervous system to initiate a reflex action without conscious thought.

What is a receptor nerve?

Nerve receptor is a specialized cell or nerve endings that respond to sensory stimuli.

What structure detects the stimulus in the reflex action?

The stimulus is detected by temperature or pain receptors in the skin. These generate impulses in sensory neurons. The impulses enter the CNS ( Central nervous system ) through a part of the spinal nerve called the Dorsal root.

What is a reflex arc made of?

A reflex arc is made up of five components: a receptor, a sensory neuron, an integration center (usually in the spinal cord), a motor neuron, and an effector. The arc allows for a rapid response to a stimulus without conscious thought.

What nerve acts as the afferent pathway in the pupillary reflex?

The optic nerve (cranial nerve II) carries sensory information about light intensity to the brain as part of the afferent pathway in the pupillary reflex.

A cranial reflex that is often used to test the sensory function of the trigeminal nerve is the?

corneal reflex. It involves touching the cornea with a wisp of cotton, which should trigger a blinking response mediated by the trigeminal nerve, specifically the ophthalmic branch. This reflex assesses the sensory function of the trigeminal nerve in detecting sensations on the cornea.

What is corneal reflex somatic?

The corneal reflex is a protective reflex involving the sensory branch of the trigeminal nerve (V) and the motor branch of the facial nerve (VII). When the cornea is touched, nerve impulses trigger a blinking reflex to protect the eye from potential damage.

What are the sensory receptors for eyes and nose?

The sensory receptors for the eyes are the optic nerve and the retina. The sensory receptor for the nose are the olfactory nerves.

How many milliseconds is a typical reflex?

A typical reflex usually takes around 150 to 300 milliseconds to occur. This includes the time it takes for the nerve signal to travel from the sensory receptor to the spinal cord and then to the muscle to produce a response.

What is the name of the nerve cell between the receptor cell and the central nervous system?


What is the simplest type of sensory receptor?

The simplest type of sensory receptor is the free nerve ending, which is a bare dendrite ending of a sensory neuron that is sensitive to various stimuli like temperature and pain. These receptors are found throughout the body and respond quickly to changes in the environment.

What is meant by the term ''reflex''?

A reflex is an automatic or involuntary response to a stimulus, typically involving a sensory nerve and a motor nerve. It is a rapid and predictable reaction that helps protect the body from harm. Examples include the knee-jerk reflex and the pupillary reflex.