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Q: Do you think Pesticides that come from natural sources are better than synthetic pesticides?
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What is difference between organic and inorganic pesticides?

Organic pesticides are derived from natural sources like plants and animals, while inorganic pesticides are synthesized chemically. Organic pesticides tend to have lower toxicity and are less harmful to the environment compared to inorganic pesticides, which may persist in the environment longer and have higher toxicity levels. Organic pesticides are commonly used in organic farming practices, while inorganic pesticides are used in conventional farming.

The air soil and most foods and beverages are examples of what?

These are examples of natural sources of contaminants such as pollutants, pesticides, and heavy metals that can pose health risks if consumed in high amounts. It is important to be aware of these sources and take measures to minimize exposure.

How do pesticides enter the water cycle?

Pesticides can enter the water cycle through runoff from agricultural fields, spills or leaks during handling and storage, and groundwater contamination. Once in the water, pesticides can be carried by surface water or percolate down into groundwater sources, affecting aquatic ecosystems and potentially human health through drinking water contamination.

What are some trade-offs of using pesticides?

Using pesticides can harm beneficial insects, contaminate water sources, and contribute to soil degradation. Additionally, overuse of pesticides can lead to the development of pesticide-resistant pests and harm non-target organisms.

What tracer elements are also used to study the impact of pesticides and fertilizers to locate water resources?

Tracer elements such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S) are commonly used to study the impact of pesticides and fertilizers on water resources. These elements can help track the movement of pollutants and identify sources of contamination in water bodies.

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Is Propylene glycol organic?

Propylene glycol is not considered organic, as it is a synthetic compound typically derived from petrochemical sources. Organic ingredients are typically obtained from natural sources without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers.

How do you protect birds from pesticides?

To protect birds from pesticides, you can use organic farming methods that reduce pesticide use, plant native vegetation to provide habitat and food sources, and avoid using pesticides during nesting season. Additionally, you can encourage the use of bird-safe pesticides and provide clean water sources for birds to drink from.

What are some major sources of pesticides?

chemical warfare developers

Organically grown means the food is?

"Organically grown" food is food grown and processed using no synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. Pesticides derived from natural sources (e.g., biological pesticides) may be used in producing organically grown food. The exact definition of what may be deemed "organic" differs between different countries and also for specific food types. Usually before farmers can claim to be producing organic food they need to register and gain approval from the relevant governing body.

How do pesticides contaminate groundwater?

Pesticides can contaminate groundwater when they are applied to fields and leach through the soil into the groundwater. Rainfall or irrigation can help move the pesticides deeper into the ground where they can reach the groundwater. Once in the groundwater, pesticides can persist for a long time and potentially impact drinking water sources.

What is the main sources of water pollution?

The main sources of water pollution are as follows : 1) sewage 2) Industrial wastes 3) synthetic soaps and detergents 4) fertilizers and pesticides 5) petroleum 6)Heat.

What are the main threats for bald eagles survival?

humans poluting water sources, shooting them and pesticides

What is difference between organic and inorganic pesticides?

Organic pesticides are derived from natural sources like plants and animals, while inorganic pesticides are synthesized chemically. Organic pesticides tend to have lower toxicity and are less harmful to the environment compared to inorganic pesticides, which may persist in the environment longer and have higher toxicity levels. Organic pesticides are commonly used in organic farming practices, while inorganic pesticides are used in conventional farming.

Why must farmers be careful about the pesticides they use?

Farmers need to be careful about the pesticides they use to prevent harm to the environment, wildlife, and human health. Incorrect use or overuse of pesticides can result in pollution of water sources, harm to non-targeted species, and health risks for farmers, consumers, and nearby communities. Selective and judicious use of pesticides following proper guidelines is important to minimize these risks.

What are the source of air polluting?

treyln king

How do synthetic pesticides kill bugs?

Disruption of life-sustaining activities ultimately is the way in which synthetic pesticides kill bugs. The pest-killers most effectively realize this end through making the bug's food sources, resting places, and transportation routes toxic. Depending upon the laboratory-made active ingredient in question, the above-mentioned interaction will affect -- with crippling, terminal consequences -- a key life-sustaining body part or process of the bugs in question.

How does the use of pesticide affects the earth?

The use of pesticides can have negative impacts on the earth by harming non-target organisms, contaminating water sources, and contributing to the decline of pollinators. Pesticides can also contribute to soil erosion and disrupt the balance of ecosystems.