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No, not all bacteria grow on nutrient agar. Nutrient agar is considered one of the least selective agars but some bacteria are fastideous in their growth requirments. Microbiologists have gone to great lengths to get some bacteria to grow in the lab including using nine-banded armadillo foot pads to grow the bacteria Mycobacterium leprae which causes leprosy.

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14y ago
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1w ago

It is unlikely that all organisms in the sampled environment grew on the plate. This could be due to factors like the nutrient requirements of the organisms, presence of inhibitory substances on the plate, and competition from other organisms present. Additionally, some organisms may not have been adequately transferred to the plate during sampling.

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12y ago

Some bacteria live in volcanoes which are acid, sulphurous and hot, they reduce the H2S to sulphur. They can live under the sea at high pressure or on top of mountains where it is cold, think of sammonella which lives in frozen chicken. Under the sea they are called black gushers, metal sulphides can be black, hence mineral extraction at sea, hopefully this will give you more ideas to come up with.

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14y ago

No because not all microorganism can be grow and give a colony.

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15y ago

No. While humans have designed several distinct agars to culture many kinds of microorganisms, it is currently understood that most microorganisms are currently not culturable.

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12y ago

Not the right food, anaerobic organisms are killed by oxygen, etc.

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Q: Do you think All the organism living in or on the environments sampled grew on the plate why or why not?
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