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yes you do say fossilized bone, that is correct

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4mo ago

Yes, fossilized bones are bones that have been replaced by minerals over time, turning them into rock-like structures. These fossilized bones can provide valuable information about past life on Earth.

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Q: Do you say fossilized bones
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Why are jellyfish rarely found fossilized?

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What Scientists can tell that hominids walked upright by comparing fossilized leg bones to those of modern humans?

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Their fossilized bones and tracks is the evidence we accept.

Why are bones fossilized more than whole creatures?

because it wants to have what is it to you

Why have jellyfish rarely been fossilized because they?

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Why jellyfish are not fossilized?

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What can be fossilized?

Any organic material can potentially be fossilized, including bones, teeth, shells, wood, plants, and feathers. Soft tissues can also be fossilized under exceptional conditions, such as in amber or in ice.

Can a worm be fossilized?

Yes, worms can be fossilized under certain conditions. Worms are soft-bodied animals, so they are less likely to fossilize compared to hard-bodied organisms. However, in rare cases where the conditions are right, such as rapid burial in sediment, worms can become fossilized.

Why is LaBreaCA famous?

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True or false Only bones can be fossilized soft tissue cannot?

False. Soft tissues can also be fossilized under certain conditions, although it is much more rare compared to the fossilization of bones. Soft tissue preservation can occur in exceptional cases, such as in the fossilized remains of animals found in frozen environments like the ice age.

How many years for bones to become petrified or fossilized?

To be fossilised it can take anywhere from a few decades to a couple of years.