

Do wet farts stain underwear

Updated: 11/18/2022
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Q: Do wet farts stain underwear
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What is a fart stain?

in your underwear its a stain frome your farts

What does semen look like in women's underwear?

It just looks like a wet spot or stain.

Are farts liquid?

Wet farts \

What are liquid farts?

Wet farts \

Is it common for men to have semen stain in underwear?

If a man puts on underwear after recently ejaculating, then it is likely that such a stain will be left. If a man ejaculates while actually wearing underwear, this will also leave a stain.

Can condoms leave stain on underwear?

Yes, condoms can sometimes leave a stain on underwear. This is usually caused by the lubricant or spermicide on the condom. To minimize the chances of staining, you can wash the underwear in cold water as soon as possible after getting the stain.

Is it cool to stain your underwear?

Of course not

How do you remove a poop stain from your underwear?

To remove a poop stain from your underwear, first rinse the area with cold water to remove excess residue. Then, apply a pre-treatment stain remover or a mixture of baking soda and water to the stain. Launder the underwear as usual following the care instructions on the garment.

Can farts actually rip holes in your underwear?

Yes they can if its a really big fart.

Why are farts liquid?

because its called wet farts its when u eat too much junk and your body can't prosses it very well so it comes out wet

What is Light brown stain in a girls underwear?


What is the yellow stain in my husband's underwear?

The yellow stain in your husband's underwear could be caused by a variety of factors, including sweat, urine, or residual body oils. It could also be a result of not properly rinsing out laundry detergent during washing. If the stain persists, consider using a stain remover or soaking the underwear before washing.