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Q: Do water particles in gas coming off of a pan of boiling water move slower that the particles of the water in the pan?
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How can you tell that the particles in a cup of water are moving slower or faster?

You can tell if the particles in a cup of water are moving faster or slower by observing the temperature of the water. In general, higher temperatures indicate faster particle movement, while lower temperatures indicate slower particle movement. Additionally, you can observe changes in the physical state of the water, such as boiling or freezing, which can also indicate changes in particle movement.

When salt is added to boiling water at 100 degrees Celsius will the water boil faster or slower?

Adding salt to boiling water will actually make the water boil slower. Salt increases the boiling point of water by raising its boiling point temperature. As a result, it will take longer for the water to reach the new, higher boiling point temperature and thus boil.

Why boiling water is used instead of cold water when potassium manganate is dropped in the boiling water?

Potassium Manganate (VII) also called potassium permanganate, dissolves very quickly in hot water and much slower in cold water.

When cooking and salt is placed in the water and the water stops boiling give a reason for this phenomenon?

Adding salt to water raises the boiling point of the water, so it will take longer to reach the boiling point. The dissolved salt particles disrupt the formation of steam bubbles that normally help the water boil vigorously.

Why is diffusion slower in the agar than in water?

Diffusion is slower in agar than in water because agar is a gelatinous substance that contains solid particles which obstruct the free movement of molecules. This impedes the diffusion of molecules through the agar compared to the unrestricted movement in water, which lacks solid particles.

Related questions

How can you tell that the particles in a cup of water are moving slower or faster?

You can tell if the particles in a cup of water are moving faster or slower by observing the temperature of the water. In general, higher temperatures indicate faster particle movement, while lower temperatures indicate slower particle movement. Additionally, you can observe changes in the physical state of the water, such as boiling or freezing, which can also indicate changes in particle movement.

When salt is added to boiling water at 100 degrees Celsius will the water boil faster or slower?

Adding salt to boiling water will actually make the water boil slower. Salt increases the boiling point of water by raising its boiling point temperature. As a result, it will take longer for the water to reach the new, higher boiling point temperature and thus boil.

Do the tiny particles in boiling water mover closer together?

Yes, the particles in boiling water move further apart as the water heats up and expands. This leads to a decrease in density and an increase in volume of the water.

What happens to particles of water when they are boiling from a liquid to a gas?


What is a nonexample of evaporation?

An example of a nonexample of evaporation would be boiling water, as boiling involves the rapid vaporization of water at its boiling point, which is different from the slower process of evaporation.

Does the water boil faster with more water?

Slower, the more water, the more time required to reach boiling temp.

Do water partcles move slower in closed up spaces?

Yes, because for example, cold water have less space between particles and they move slower than the hot water particles which are more far apart from each other.

Why would boiling the water dissolve the salt?

Boiling the water increases its kinetic energy, causing the water molecules to move faster and collide with the salt particles more frequently. This disrupts the bonds holding the salt particles together, allowing them to dissolve into the water.

When water is boiling only particles of the surface of a liquid can turn into gas?


Does boiling water contain any gasses?

Yes, boiling water can contain gases such as dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide. When water is heated to its boiling point, these gases can be released as bubbles.

Why boiling water is used instead of cold water when potassium manganate is dropped in the boiling water?

Potassium Manganate (VII) also called potassium permanganate, dissolves very quickly in hot water and much slower in cold water.

How would you describe the boiling points of water?

That is when the particles in H20 are at its maximum kinetic energy.