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no viruses don't die, even if they have no apparent value or cause

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โˆ™ 13y ago
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โˆ™ 3mo ago

Viruses are not considered alive as they lack the ability to perform metabolic processes on their own. Outside of a host cell, viruses can become inactive but not die in the same way living organisms do. They can remain intact for extended periods until they come into contact with a suitable host.

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Q: Do viruses die if they have no host to infect?
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Are viruses general or specific to the cells that they infect?

viruses are specific to the cells they infect called host cells

What infectious agent live only by invading cells?

Viruses are infectious agents that can only replicate and survive by invading host cells and hijacking their cellular machinery. Once inside a host cell, viruses use the cell's resources to produce more viral particles, which can then go on to infect other cells. This process ultimately leads to the destruction of the host cell as new viruses are released to infect additional cells.

Do viruses reproduce inside host cells causing them to burst?

Yes, viruses can reproduce inside host cells by hijacking the host cell's machinery to make copies of themselves. This can cause the host cell to burst, releasing the newly formed viruses to infect other cells.

What does virus host range mean?

Virus host range refers to the range of organisms or cell types that a particular virus can infect. Some viruses have a broad host range and can infect multiple species, while others have a narrow host range and can only infect specific hosts. The host range is determined by factors such as the virus's ability to enter host cells and replicate within them.

What are the viruses the infect bacteria called?

Bacteriophages are viruses that infect bacteria.

What do viruses need to reporduce?

Viruses need a host cell to reproduce. Once they have infected a host cell, they use the cellโ€™s machinery to make copies of themselves. This process eventually leads to the host cell bursting open and releasing new viruses to infect other cells.

Viruses that infect bacteria are?

called bacteriophages. They are viruses that specifically infect and replicate within bacteria, ultimately leading to the death of the host cell. Bacteriophages play a crucial role in controlling bacterial populations in various environments.

Can viruses reproduce by themselves?

No, viruses cannot reproduce by themselves. They must infect a host cell and hijack the cellular machinery to replicate. Viruses lack the cellular structures necessary for independent reproduction.

How do you infect others computers with viruses?

YOU don't infect other computers with viruses.

Where does the virus multiply?

Viruses replicate inside the host cells they infect. They hijack the cellular machinery of the host to make copies of themselves, leading to the multiplication of the virus.

What statements explains why viruses are able to respond only inside host cells instead of being able to reproduce on their own?

Viruses do not have the machinery required to synthesise proteins or replicate themselves, they need a host cell to do it for them. They infect a cell by inserting their own DNA or RNA and essentially hijack the host cell, tricking it into producing many copies new of the virus that can then go on to infect more host cells.

What is a host cell for a virus?

A host cell for a virus is a cell that the virus can infect and hijack to replicate itself. The virus enters the host cell, takes over its machinery to produce more virus particles, and then spreads to infect other cells.