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There's no biological reason to think so. Some things, such as smoking, can take away the sense of taste. Overuse of cannabis can remove the sense of smell (aka Anosmia).

However, removing a type of food from the diet, or increasing some food group, can make you more sensitive to a certain taste. Removing salt from the diet can make you more aware of the subtle flavours of your foods, for example.

If meat is the main aspect of your diet, and you eat vegetables purely for health reasons, then cutting out meat and therefore increasing your vegetable meals can make you more aware of the flavours of your veggies. There are surely as many different nuances to meat flavours as there are of vegetable flavours, and these can be affected by condiments, seasoning and cooking technique.

If you would like to enjoy the flavours of vegetables more, increasing your vegetable intake would be a good way to do so, by making them the dominant flavour of your meals. Being vegetarian is an effective way to do this.

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4mo ago

There is no scientific evidence that suggests vegetarians have a sharper sense of taste than carnivores. Taste perception can vary between individuals regardless of their dietary habits. Factors like genetics, age, and overall health can influence taste sensitivity.

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Q: Do vegetarians have a sharper sense of taste than carnivores do?
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