

Do two north poles attract

Updated: 8/11/2023
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they repel

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Q: Do two north poles attract
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What types of poles attract each other between two magnets?

Opposite poles attract each other between two magnets, such as the north pole of one magnet attracting the south pole of the other. Like poles (north-north or south-south) repel each other.

What are the Two properties of magnet?

Magnets have two poles north and south. Like poles repel and unlike poles attract.

Would two north poles attract each or push away from each other?

Two magnetic north poles (or two magnetic south poles) repel one another.

Do a north and a north part of a magnet attract or repel?

Like polarities repel; unlike attract. So the north ends of two magnets repel each other, as do two south ends, while a north end and a south end mutually attract. North + North = Repell South + South = Repell North + South = Attract South + North = Attract

What poles attract and what poles repel?

Opposite poles attract each other (north and south), while like poles repel each other (north and north or south and south). This is due to the interaction of magnetic fields.

Do North poles attract North poles?

No, North poles repel each other due to their magnetic properties. Like poles (North-North or South-South) will push away from each other, while opposite poles (North-South or South-North) will attract each other.

What are the relationships between the north and south poles of two bars magnets near each other?

The north pole of one bar magnet will attract the south pole of another bar magnet, while the north pole of one magnet will repel the north pole of the other magnet, and likewise for the south poles. This is described by the principle that like poles repel and opposite poles attract in magnetism.

What do the north poles of magnets attract?

The north poles of magnets repel each other, while the south poles attract each other. This is due to the orientation of the magnetic field lines.

Do like poles attract?

No, unlike poles of a magnet attract each other I'm so smart HA HA HA HA Bye Bye Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

Do north pole and north pole attract each other?

If you're talking about magnets, then yes, north poles attract south poles.Two North poles repel, and two South poles repel.If you're talking about the Earth's north and south poles, those are justlocations. They're about as far apart as it's possible to get on Earth, andthey have no influence on each other.

What two south magnetic poles brought near each other?

When two south magnetic poles are brought near each other, they will repel each other due to their like magnetic charges. This is because opposite magnetic poles attract, while like magnetic poles repel.

Can magnets attract and repel other magnets?

Magnets are very much attracted to each other. Magnets have at least two poles: North and South. North poles attract South, and vice-versa. A simple mnemonic to remember this rule is "Opposites attract."