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are ticks dangerous then Spiders

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3w ago

No, ticks do not lay eggs from their mouths. Female ticks lay eggs by depositing them in the environment, typically in leaf litter or other similar areas where they can develop and hatch into larvae.

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Q: Do ticks lay eggs from their mouths?
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Do ticks lay eggs in cars?

No. Ticks do not lay their eggs on exposed surfaces or on their host. They drop off a host to burrow into the ground to lay eggs.

Can ticks lay eggs on human skin?

well the simple answer is if you are holding some and they lay eggs yes there gonna lay eggs on your hands .

Can ticks detach from humans?

The ticks that detach after becoming engorged on blood go off to lay eggs.

Do turtles lay eggs out their butts or mouths?

? no

When ticks get full of blood do they digest it or blow up?

when ticks drink blood they expand and store the blood for when they lay their thousands of eggs.

Where does the NZ Dotterel lay it's eggs?

They like it near beaches, and river mouths

How long is tick gestation and how many eggs do ticks lay at one time?

I'm seeing varied answers around the net. Some sources say 500 at a time, others between 1,000-3,000. So the real answer is, a super scary amount.

Do ticks live in groups?

I think ticks travel in groups

What looks like lice but leaves no eggs on the person infected?

it could be a young lice and is to young to lay eggs (they have to be seven days old) or it could be ticks or other kind of bugs

What insect lays reddish brown eggs?

Ticks lay round, brown eggs. As a matter of fact, a single female tick can lay as many as 6,000 eggs once she has feed on a host. The squash vine borer also lays small brown eggs as do some species of beetles.

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They lay eggs and heat it with covered grass

How do eggs get from a cow to your refrigerator?

Cows do not lay eggs,Cows do not lay eggs,