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Luminosity depends directly on mass because more massive main-sequence stars do not need to graviationally contract as far to reach fusion temperatures, and so they have a larger volume and contain a much larger amount of light energy, which diffuses out and generates a higher luminosity, very roughly in proportion to the higher volume.

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1mo ago

Yes, the stars on the main sequence illustrate the mass-luminosity relationship, where more massive stars tend to be more luminous. This relationship is due to the higher core temperature and fusion rates in more massive stars, leading to increased energy output.

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11y ago

Yes, because more massive stars tend to burn hotter and brighter.

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Q: Do the stars on the main sequence illustrate the mass-luminosity relationship?
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Are main sequence stars called medium sized stars?

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What is the relationship between luminosity and temperature for main sequence stars?

On such a diagram, those stars lie on a curve called the "main sequence". It is not a simple relationship - for example, it isn't a straight line on the diagram. Therefore, it isn't easy to describe in words. It's best if you look up "Main sequence", for example on the Wikipedia, and look at the corresponding diagram.

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Stars are classified by their spectral characteristics and luminosity. Spectral classification categorizes stars based on their temperatures and composition, while luminosity classifies them by their brightness and size. These classifications help astronomers understand the characteristics and behaviors of different types of stars.

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On a logarithmic scale for luminosity, it is quite close to a negative linear relationship.

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as surface temperature increases, luminosity increases

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About 90% of all stars are main sequence stars, including our Sun. These stars are in the stable phase of their lifecycle, where they fuse hydrogen into helium in their cores. Main sequence stars are the most common type of stars found in the universe.

What percentage of stars are main sequence stars?

Approximately 90% of stars in the universe are categorized as main sequence stars. These stars, like our Sun, are in the stable phase of their lifecycle where they fuse hydrogen into helium in their cores. Main sequence stars vary in size and temperature, leading to differences in brightness and color.

What kind of stars are 90 of all Stars?

main sequence stars , our sun is also a main sequence star