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Q: Do the number of atoms you start with affect the outcome?
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How are reactant atoms and molecules different to their products atoms and molecules?

Reactant atoms and molecules are the starting materials in a chemical reaction, while product atoms and molecules are the substances formed as a result of the reaction. During the reaction, reactant atoms and molecules are rearranged and transformed into new products with different chemical properties. The number and types of atoms remain the same, but their arrangement and interactions change.

When the cloud contracts and powerful reactions start to turn hydrogen atoms into helium atoms to produce energy what forms?


How many grams do 4.6 x1025 atoms of cu weigh?

To find the weight of 4.6 x 10^25 atoms of copper, you can start by calculating the molar mass of copper, which is approximately 63.55 g/mol. Next, convert the number of atoms to moles by dividing by Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23). Finally, multiply the number of moles by the molar mass to find the weight in grams.

How many atoms in 1mg of As?

First you need to organize what you need to determine the number of atoms in 1 mg of As. You need to know the following:1 mol As = 74.92160g As (from the periodic table)1 mol As = 6.022 x 1023 atoms As (Avogadro's number)1000mg = 1g As (conversion from mg to g)Now we start the calculations:1) Convert mg to g.1mg As x (1g/1000mg) = 0.001g As2) Convert g As to moles As0.001g x (1mol As/74.92160g As) = 1.3 x 10-5mol As3) Convert mole As to atoms of As1.3 x 10-5mol As x (6.022 x 1023 atoms As/1mol As As) =7.8 x 1018 atoms AsSo, the answer to your question, is that 1mg of As has 7.8 x 1018 atoms As

Why the number of atoms of reactions must equal the number of atoms of products formed?

Because of the concept of conservation of mass. the mass remains unchanged because the chemical reaction is caused by the interaction of electrons with eachother as opposed to atoms actually destroying or combining with eachother

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How many potassium atoms are in the reactants of the chemical reaction?

To determine the number of potassium atoms in the reactants of a chemical reaction, you would need to look at the chemical equation for the reaction and count the number of potassium atoms on the reactant side. The coefficient in front of the potassium-containing compound in the reactants indicates how many potassium atoms are present in that compound.

In a chemical reaction the number of atoms of reactants and products must?

In a chemical reaction, the number of atoms of reactants must be equal to the number of atoms of products to satisfy the law of conservation of mass. This means that atoms are rearranged but not created or destroyed during a chemical reaction.

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When faced with a problem, you start with a general theory of all possible factors that might affect an outcome and deduce from it specific hypothesis (or predictions) about what might happen.

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When faced with a problem, you start with a general theory of all possible factors that might affect an outcome and deduce from it specific hypothesis (or predictions) about what might happen.

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To find the mass of 1.63 x 10^21 silicon atoms, you can start by calculating the molar mass of silicon (28.0855 g/mol). Then, divide the total number of atoms by Avogadro's number to find the number of moles (moles = atoms / Avogadro's number). Finally, multiply the number of moles by the molar mass to find the mass.

What 3 numbers add up to 92?

Start with 1, 2 as the first two numbers. Subtract those numbers from the original number. The remaining number is one possible outcome. Dont be a dingus next time.

How do you balance Fe H2O---Fe3O4 H2?

To balance the equation Fe + H2O → Fe3O4 + H2, you need to ensure the number of atoms of each element are equal on both sides. Start by balancing the iron atoms, then balance the oxygen atoms, and finally balance the hydrogen atoms. The balanced equation is 3Fe + 4H2O → Fe3O4 + 4H2.

How do you calculate empirical ratio?

To calculate the empirical ratio in chemistry, you need to divide the number of atoms of each element in a compound by the smallest number of atoms present. Then, if needed, you can multiply the ratio by a whole number to obtain a whole number ratio. For example, in water (H2O), the empirical ratio is 2:1 (2 hydrogen atoms for every 1 oxygen atom).

How many atoms of LiBr would you have if you start with 1.25 moles What is the answer and how did you get it?

To find the number of atoms in 1.25 moles of LiBr, you first need to calculate the molar mass of LiBr. The molar mass of LiBr is approximately 86.845 g/mol. Next, you can use Avogadro's number to convert moles to atoms. So, 1.25 moles x 6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol equals approximately 7.53 x 10^23 atoms of LiBr.

How many fluorine atoms are present in 5.59 g of C2F4?

To find the number of fluorine atoms in 5.59 g of C2F4, start by calculating the molar mass of C2F4: 12.01 g/mol (C) + 2(19.00 g/mol) (F) = 70.01 g/mol. Then divide the given mass by the molar mass to get the number of moles: 5.59 g / 70.01 g/mol ≈ 0.08 moles. Since there are 4 fluorine atoms in 1 molecule of C2F4, multiply the number of moles by Avogadro's number (6.022 x 10^23) and then by 4 to get the number of fluorine atoms: 0.08 mol x 6.022 x 10^23 atoms/mol x 4 = approximately 1.93 x 10^23 fluorine atoms.

What was the effect of Greeks revolt against the ottoman Turks?

The outcome was that it would start war

What was the effect of the Greeks revolting against the Ottoman Turks?

The outcome was that it would start war