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ON, no. IN ... there are several moons that are embedded within the ring system.

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2w ago

No, the moons of Saturn do not orbit on the rings of Saturn. The moons orbit around Saturn in separate paths. The rings of Saturn are made up of small particles of ice and rock that orbit around Saturn along a flat plane.

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Q: Do the moons of Saturn orbit Saturn on the Rings of Saturn?
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Saturn has rings. But the rings aren't actually rings, they just appear as so. The rings are an accumulation of ice and other space rock debris that is stuck in the gravitational orbit of Saturn. It encircles the planet and appears as rings. Saturn's moons are also in its rings.

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No. However there are moons within the rings of Saturn.

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Yes, they orbit Saturn and Saturn orbits the Sun.

Does Saturn orbit the sun?

Yes, Saturn orbits the sun as it is one of the planets in our solar system. It takes approximately 29.5 Earth years for Saturn to complete one orbit around the sun.

Why is Saturn surrounded by rings?

Saturn's rings are mainly made up of ice particles and rocky debris. They are believed to be remnants of comets, asteroids, or moons that have broken apart due to Saturn's gravity. The rings orbit around Saturn in a flat plane due to the planet's strong gravitational pull and its many moons help keep the rings in place through their gravitational interactions.