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Most of the time, yes - because that's close enough to accurate to be acceptable. Of course all the astronauts are educated enough to be well aware that it is an oblate spheroid - but that terminology is beyond the vocabulary of most people so they are smart enough to not complicate their statements unnecessarily.

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Q: Do the astronauts all say the earth is a sphere?
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What sphere extends from Earth's core to Earth's crust?

idek what 2 say???

What did the astronauts say when they reach the moon?

Their first task after landing was to configure the Lunar Module (LM) to launch mode in case the LM began to tilt or sink in the soil. After that, the astronauts looked out their windows and attempted to describe the surrounding terraine. This was done to give scientists back on earth an idea of where the astronauts had landed. It was important that the people in Houston know the exact location so their traverses can be planned more exactly.

What is the relationship between the celestial sphere and the local sky?

The celestial sphere is an imaginary sphere surrounding Earth onto which stars and celestial objects appear fixed, regardless of location on Earth. The local sky is the portion of the celestial sphere visible from a specific location on Earth. The local sky changes as one moves on Earth, giving rise to different celestial objects being visible at different times.

Why are longitudes and latitudes line are curve?

Longitudes and latitudes are curved lines because they are based on the shape of the Earth, which is a sphere. The lines of longitude converge at the poles, while the lines of latitude are parallel to the equator. This curvature helps to accurately represent locations on the Earth's surface.

Is it correct to say that the sun rises with the dawn?

No, it is not technically correct to say that the sun rises with the dawn. The appearance of the sun rising is due to the Earth rotating on its axis, causing the sun to come into view from behind the horizon. Dawn is the soft light that appears in the sky before sunrise.

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What do they mean when they say the earth is a sphere?

that it is like a ball

What sphere extends from Earth's core to Earth's crust?

idek what 2 say???

Is The Earth Flat(For All The Idiots Out There)?

By watching as the Earth also rotates from that view, you can see that the Earth is a rotating sphere and is not flat. Image by NASA. Like the other planets, the Earth is a sphere. It rotates around its own axis slowly but continuously, and completes this rotation about once every 24 hours.

Is the earth a spherer?

if youre tring to say sphere than yes it isn't flat

How far away can you be from The Great Wall of China and still be able to see it?

Some say you can still see it from Earth's Orbit, but not from the moon according to astronauts. One of the astronauts was Neil Armstrong.

What did Neil Armstrong mean when he was heard to say he thinks he sees Santa Claus?

he was revering to a high speed light that passed by them while in orbit around earth . I believe they were going twice the speed of sound at the time. there's been several astronauts reports of UFOs' while orbiting earth not just US. astronauts. Russian astronauts for instance.

What do astronauts have to say about Earth?

Astronauts often describe Earth as a fragile and beautiful planet when viewed from space. They emphasize the importance of taking care of our planet and working together to protect it for future generations.

Who was the first to say earth is a sphere?

Greek philosopher Pythagoras is credited with being one of the first people to suggest that the Earth is a sphere, around 500 BC. However, it was later Greek philosopher Aristotle who provided more evidence for this idea in the 4th century BC.

What is it like to wear a space suit?

Astronauts say that it's very heavy and cumbersome on Earth but that it does restrict movement as much as it looks, apparently.

Who was the first person to say that the earth was a sphere?

The ancient Greek philosopher Pythagoras is often credited with being the first person to suggest that the Earth is a sphere around 6th century BC. However, later Greeks like Aristotle and Eratosthenes further developed this idea and provided evidence to support it.

Does a sphere have lateral area?

It is incorrect to say that sphere has lateral area. First sphere do not have sides like other geometric figure. In fact a line or plane can intersect the surface of a sphere in just one point. Sphere has no lateral side. It is enough to say surface area of sphere than lateral surface area of the sphere.

How do you say sphere in french?

The word for "sphere" in French is "sphère."