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It is not common for stroke victims to sweat profusely, but it can happen as a reaction to the stress and trauma of a stroke. However, excessive sweating can also be a sign of other medical conditions, so it's important to consult a healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis.

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Q: Do stroke victims sweat profusely
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Can the equator effect your bodies?

Yes. If you spend too much time too close to it, you begin to sweat profusely.

Do crack make you sweat?

Yes, crack cocaine can cause increased sweating as a side effect due to its stimulant properties, which can raise body temperature and heart rate.

What if you can not sweat?

When I first started exercise, I would sweat so much. After a few months, the sweat stopped, even I worked really hard. I started to drink a glass of hot milk or just hot water right before exercise, guess what, I sweat again! 2nd answer: You always sweat. It may evaporate right off, so you do not notice any drops of sweat. The exception is if you are suffering from sun stroke . . . your body cannot sweat any more, and you are on the verge of dying from being too hot.

Why does lee evans sweat so much?

Lee Evans is known for sweating profusely during his performances due to the high energy level and physical exertion involved in his stand-up comedy routines. The combination of being under hot stage lights and his comedic style, which involves a lot of movement and physical humor, contributes to his sweating.

Why do you sweat more with age?

== == Sweating is your body's way of cooling itself off. And everyone has a different sweating pattern. How much you sweat is affected by gender, genetics, age, fitness level, and environment. Humans can have between 2 and 4 million sweat glands - it all depends on what you're born with. The more you have, the more you'll sweat. Women tend to sweat less because they are better able to regulate the amount of water they're losing. They also begin to sweat at higher temperatures compared to men. Fit people sweat more efficiently by sweating sooner in their workout, when their body temperature is lower. However, a sedentary person doing the same intensity workout as a fit one will get hot a lot faster and possibly will sweat more. Overweight people sweat more profusely than normal weight individuals because fat acts as an insulator that raises their core temperature.

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to sweat or perspire profusely

How do you put perspiring in a sentence?

When you perspire, your sweat glands secrete sweat to cool your body.

Do stroke victims feel pain when the stroke happens?

The paralyzed part doesn't feel any pain.

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just let your body sweat out. In what way, fill the rice cooker of water at the middle, then boiled it profusely, then sniff the hot vapor & expose your body of the hot vapor, sweat out profusely covering yourself of blanket for at least 30 minutes.

What type of Physical advantage enable early humans to adapt to their environment?

The ability to sweat profusely to stay cool

Can blueberry detox your body?

No. They are fantastic for you but the only way to rid your body of THC (marijuana) is to exercise and sweat profusely.

Can the equator effect your bodies?

Yes. If you spend too much time too close to it, you begin to sweat profusely.

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Why do you sweat profusely in humid day?

we don't sweat more but what actually happens is that sweat gets retained on our body. On humid days air is already containing lot of moisture which prevents evaporation of sweat from our body and thus is retained on the body, which inturn makes us to feel warmer.

How long does cocaine stills in your urine?

Cocaine stays in your urine for three days. If you want it out sooner sweat profusely for two days after consumption.

Is sweating a symptom of narcotic abuse?

Sweating would not be the most likely sign of narcotics abuse. Some narcotics users will be in a panic and sweat profusely when they don't get drugs. Extremely heavy sweating is more often associated with meth, ecstasy, cocaine, and other drugs that cause the heartbeat to race. Most people who sweat heavily are not drug users. Many overweight people, diabetics, people with heart problems and lung disease, and many others will sweat profusely.