Water. Milk wont work as well... even thought it seems to have more nutrients... it is thick and ha fat...
Water is the best option for watering plants, as it provides the necessary moisture and nutrients without harmful additives found in milk or soda such as sugars or carbonation that could harm the plant's roots. Milk and soda may actually harm plants because of their acidic or sugar content.
Plants grow best when watered with water as milk can potentially harm the plant by altering the soil's pH balance and causing nutrient imbalances. Water provides essential hydration and nutrients for plant growth, while milk may introduce harmful bacteria, disrupt the soil ecosystem, and hinder the plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients effectively.
Milk doesn't help plants grow.
No. If you give a plant salt water the salt will cause the cells in the plant to shrivel, trying to keep it out, and the plant will eventually die. I have no idea about milk. My best guess is no as well because the solution is too thick for the plant to soak up.
there is two milk?
plez answer it
i think that milk might work better as a fertilizer because of all the calcium it has in it
Milk is for mammal consumption. Other than adding calcium to the soil, it doesnt help the plant. Plants naturally seek water in the soil. It could possibly survive in the milk but would like the water better.
Water is the best option for watering plants, as it provides the necessary moisture and nutrients without harmful additives found in milk or soda such as sugars or carbonation that could harm the plant's roots. Milk and soda may actually harm plants because of their acidic or sugar content.
Better by Water because milk is very bad for plants they will just die
Water is considered as universal solvent. Xylem tissues in plant aids phloem to conduct nutrients to different parts of the plant. I think there has not been studies done to show effects on plants if they are treated with milk than water.
Water is needed as part of photosynthesis which makes the right type of food that the plant needs to grow. Milk has some water and other stuff in it that the plant doesn't need.
I did a science project on whether plants grow with another liquid and soy milk made the plant grow bigger than the other plants.
A plant can not survive with milk instead of water. The plant needs water to convert the oxygen to carbon dioxide.
because milk doesnt have the right nutrients that plants need
Plants grow best when watered with water as milk can potentially harm the plant by altering the soil's pH balance and causing nutrient imbalances. Water provides essential hydration and nutrients for plant growth, while milk may introduce harmful bacteria, disrupt the soil ecosystem, and hinder the plant's ability to absorb water and nutrients effectively.