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No, when an object is revolving it is either: 1.following a fixed orbital path around another object (the Earth around the Sun), or 2.rotating on an axis (the Earth does both). When the object makes one full trip around it's orbit or one full turn on its axis that is ONE revolution. One revolution of the Earth around the Sun is a year. One revolution of the Earth about its axis is 24 hours.

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Only if the object is tidally locked to its parent body. In such a case, the same side of the object always faces the parent body. Most of the moons in the solar system are tidally locked to their planets, but none of the planets are tidally locked to the sun. Earth, for example, takes just under 24 hours to complete a full rotation but 265.25 days to complete a revolution.

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Q: Do revolution and rotation have the same period?
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Compare the period of revolution between mercury and plutowhat is the ratio between their period of rotation and why?

Mercury's period of revolution around the sun is about 88 Earth days, while Pluto's period is approximately 248 Earth years. The ratio between their periods of revolution is about 1:28. This difference is due to the much larger distance Pluto is from the sun compared to Mercury, causing it to take much longer to complete one orbit.

What is the length of rotation and revolution periods of your planet?

The rotation period of Earth is approximately 24 hours, while the revolution period around the Sun is approximately 365.25 days.

What is Mercury's period of rotation and revolution?

Mercury's period of rotation, or the time it takes to complete one full rotation on its axis, is 58.6 Earth days. Its period of revolution, or the time it takes to orbit the Sun, is about 88 Earth days. This means that one day on Mercury (rotation) is longer than one year on Mercury (revolution).

What is the difference between a planet's period of rotation and period of revolution?

A planet's period of rotation refers to the time it takes to complete one full spin on its axis, which determines the length of its day. On the other hand, a planet's period of revolution refers to the time it takes to orbit around its star, determining the length of its year.

Which planet has a rotation period longer than its revolution?

Venus has a rotation period longer than its revolution. It takes about 243 Earth days for Venus to complete one rotation on its axis, while it orbits the Sun in about 225 Earth days. This results in Venus having a longer day (rotation period) than its year (revolution period).

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What phenomenon results when the moon's period of rotation and revolution are the same?

When the moon's period of rotation is equal to its period of revolution, it results in synchronous rotation. This means the same side of the moon always faces the Earth.

What is the moon rotation and revolution?

The Moon always keeps the same side facing Earth so its rotation period is the same as its period of revolution around the Earth. These periods are both about 27.3 Earth days.

What is period of rotation and revolution of Mars?

its revolution period is 687 (Earth) days.And its rotation period is 24 hours, 39 minutes

Which planet has the longest rotation period?

Pluto has the longest REVOLUTION period Venus has the longest ROTATION period

What is period of rotation and revolution of Venus?

Venus' period of rotation is 243 Earth days. Its period of revolution is 224. 7 Earth days. The revolution period is the length of a year in Earth days on Venus. This planet is a terrestrial planet.

What is the period of a planets revolution can be used to calculate the planet?

The period of a planet's revolution is the time that it takes to complete one revolution around its axis of rotation relative to the background stars (also known as rotation period).

What is the differences between a planet's period of rotation and its period of revolution?


What is the difference between a period of rotation and a period of revolution?

Let's say Michael Jordan (Is he still playing ? I never know.) Let's say Michael Jordan is walking around the arena spinning a basketball on the end of his finger. 'Rotation' is what the ball is doing on the end of his finger. The Earth's period of rotation is 1 day. 'Revolution' is what the ball is doing around the arena at the same time. The Earth's period of revolution is 1 year.

What is the period of revolution and rotation in earth time?

the moon

Why do you always sees the same side of the moon?

Because the period of the Moon's revolution around the Earth and the period of the Moon's rotation on its axis are precisely equal.

What is the difference between period of revolution and rotation?

period rotation: 1 rotation of the earth(1 day) period revolution: 1 year around the sun

Compare the period of revolution between mercury and plutowhat is the ratio between their period of rotation and why?

Mercury's period of revolution around the sun is about 88 Earth days, while Pluto's period is approximately 248 Earth years. The ratio between their periods of revolution is about 1:28. This difference is due to the much larger distance Pluto is from the sun compared to Mercury, causing it to take much longer to complete one orbit.