

Best Answer

The shortest radio wave (300 GHz) is something like 1,300 times

as long as the longest visible light wave (750 nm).

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Q: Do radio waves have loger wavelenghts than light?
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Which EM waves have the longest wavelenghts?

Radio waves

Is a rainbow made up of radio waves?

no, they are made up of light waves, similar to radio waves and both are in the same spectrum (the electromagnetic spectrum) but they have different wavelenghts.

Radio waves microwaves and ultraviolet rays have longer wavelenghts then visible light?

Gamma rays and radio waves are both electromagnetic waves. Radio frequency waves are a lower frequency, so they have a longer wave length.

Are light wavelenghts short or longer?

Shorter wavelengths correspond to higher energy light, such as ultraviolet and gamma rays, while longer wavelengths correspond to lower energy light, such as radio waves and infrared.

Invisible radiation having the longest wavelenghts?

Electric waves produced due to lightning and radio waves (Long waves) are invisible electro magnetic radiations.

What is the waves with the longest wavelenghts and lowest frequencies are called?

Waves with the longest wavelengths and lowest frequencies are called radio waves. They are used for communication, broadcasting, and radar transmission.

Electromagnetic waves with wavelenghts just shorter than those of visible light are called?


Why the radio waves are similar to light waves but not sound wavesexplain?

Radio and light waves are electromagnetic waves, sound waves are not.

What difference between the waves that make up bright green light and dim red light?

The frequencies and wavelenghts are different.

What is the difference between a radio telescope and a light telescope?

radio telescope detects radio waves and a light telescope views light waves.

Which has longer wavelength radio v light?

Radio waves have longer wavelengths than light waves. Radio waves can have wavelengths ranging from hundreds of meters to kilometers, while visible light waves have wavelengths ranging from 400 to 700 nanometers.

Do visible light waves have higher frequencies than radio waves?

Yes, visible light waves have higher frequencies than radio waves. Visible light waves fall within the range of frequencies on the electromagnetic spectrum that is higher than radio waves.