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Plants typically give off carbon dioxide (CO2) during cell respiration, which occurs at night when photosynthesis is not taking place. This process involves breaking down stored sugars to release energy, producing CO2 as a byproduct. Additionally, when leaves are damaged or decaying, plants may release CO2 as a result of metabolic processes.

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Q: Do plants ever give off Co2 if so when and where does it come from?
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How can carbon help in growing of the plants?

Plants breathe in carbon dioxide (CO2) and give off oxygen. Without CO2 they will die.

Do plants give animals carbon dioxide?

well on plants they die and shrivel up like a rasin. then on animals they just cant breathe.

Do plants give out oxygen?

I think when they receive carbon dioxide

How can you put CO2 in a fish tank?

There is usually no need to put co2 in a FISH tank.....Fish consume oxygen and give off carbon dioxide (CO2)...just like YOU do. The main reason for putting CO2 in a tank is if you have GOBS of plants and HARDLY ANY it is PLANTS which need CO2 to grow. If you don't have enough fish to feed the plants enough CO2, then add a couple fish. This is hardly ever a Problem. HOWEVER:::: there is a Doodad that you can buy for your plant aquarium which will add more co2. But that's not too good for your fish, assuming that you have them...

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animals disinagrate and they give off oxygento plants and plants give us co2 and oxygen

Which gas do plants breate in?

Plants breathe in carbon dioxide (CO2) and give off water vapor and oxygen.

Where does the carbon dioxide needed by aquatic plants come from?

Aquatic plants primarily get their carbon dioxide from the surrounding water through a process called diffusion. Carbon dioxide dissolves in water, including freshwater and seawater, and is available for aquatic plants to use during photosynthesis. Additionally, carbon dioxide can also be present in the water from sources like respiration of organisms and decomposition of organic matter.

Does plants release co2?

No. Plants emit their own CO2 through respiration.

Do dead plants give off oxygen?

No, dead plants do not give off oxygen because they are no longer undergoing photosynthesis, the process by which plants generate oxygen. Instead, dead plants undergo decomposition, releasing carbon dioxide back into the environment.

Where does the oxygen that plants release into the atmosphere come from?

It is the Oxygen from the CO2 and H2O tat they use to make sugars.

What elements required by plants does NOT come directly from the soil?

Carbon dioxide (CO2) is an essential element for plants, and it is not directly obtained from the soil. Plants absorb CO2 from the atmosphere during photosynthesis to produce carbohydrates and release oxygen as a byproduct.

What would happen to plants if there was no CO2?

if theres no co2 all the plants will die because they need CO2 (and sunlight) to do photosynthesis