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Q: Do plants cry when they need water?
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Why do you need to water plants?

Plants need water; in fact, all living beings need water.

Do you need water to grow plants?

Plants need water to make glucose. Glucose is a sugary substance that plants make. Glucose is the food that plants need to live. So yes, plants do need water.

Do yellow plants need water?

All plants need water, regardless of color.

Why plants need sunlight and water?

plants need sunlight and water to conduct photosynthesis, which is how plants make energy.

Do plants need warm or cold water to surive?

plants need cold water to survive

Why do plants need water and what do they do with it?

Plants needed water for many functions like a human being need

Does cotton plants need water?

yes cotton plants do need water for it to bloom and produce cotton

What do plants need water for?

They need water to perform photosynthesis.

Why do you need water to make plants grow?

because water is good for plants

What effects does water have on plants?

All plants need water to survive and grow.

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What do plants need that humans need?

Plantes need water just like us. Plantes need sunlight, we need vitamin D which is from sunlight. Plants need water so do we. Plants need nutrience we do too.