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Negative, not only do the inner planets have atmospheres, but the outer planets also have atmospheres. The masses of the outer planets are great, enough easily to hold an atmosphere.

In fact it's Mercury, an inner planet, that has almost no atmosphere.

True, Mercury has a less mass and the closeness to the sun make it impossible to hold on a atmosphere. As matter in fact, Mars had a atmosphere, but the solar wind had almost eaten all the atmosphere that Mars had.

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Q: Do only the inner planets have atmospheres?
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Are the inner planets of rock and gas?

The inner planets are primarily rocky, while the outer planets are mostly made of gas. Inner planets like Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars have solid surfaces and are composed of metals and silicate minerals. Outer planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are gas giants with thick atmospheres of hydrogen and helium.

How are the inner planets and the gas giants different?

Inner planets are rocky and mostly composed of metal and silicate materials, with solid surfaces. Gas giants, on the other hand, are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium gases, with no solid surface. Gas giants are much larger in size and have thick atmospheres, while inner planets are smaller and have thin atmospheres.

What is a common feature of inner planets?

Inner planets, or terrestrial planets, are characterized by their solid rocky surfaces and close proximity to the sun. They tend to have thin atmospheres and lack the presence of rings or many natural satellites.

What inner planets have atmospheres?

3 Venus,Earth,and Mars (Mercury doesn't have much of an atmosphere there is to less gravity)

How do the massive outer planets differ from the inner terrestrial planets?

The massive outer planets are composed mostly of gas and ice, while the inner terrestrial planets are made primarily of rock and metal. Outer planets are much larger in size and have thick atmospheres, while inner planets are smaller and have thin or no atmospheres. Outer planets also have many moons and rings, while inner planets have few or no moons.

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Compare the atmospheres of the four inner planets?

Mercury has a thin atmosphere mostly made of oxygen, sodium, hydrogen, helium, and potassium. Venus has a thick atmosphere of carbon dioxide with clouds of sulfuric acid. Earth's atmosphere is primarily nitrogen and oxygen with traces of other gases. Mars has a thin atmosphere mainly comprised of carbon dioxide.

Do inner planets have thicker atmospheres than outer planets?


What are the atmospheres of the four inner planets?

all have 1 moon

Which 2 inner planets have thick atmospheres?

Venus and Earth are the two inner planets with thick atmospheres. Venus has a thick atmosphere composed mainly of carbon dioxide, while Earth has a diverse atmosphere containing nitrogen, oxygen, and other trace gases.

Do all inner planets have thick atmospheres?

No. Only Venus has a really thick atmosphere. Mars has only a thin atmosphere and Mercury has almost no atmosphere.

What is made of gas in the inner solar system?

Atmospheres of the planets. And the Sun, of course, is made of gas.

How are the inner planets and the gas giants different?

Inner planets are rocky and mostly composed of metal and silicate materials, with solid surfaces. Gas giants, on the other hand, are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium gases, with no solid surface. Gas giants are much larger in size and have thick atmospheres, while inner planets are smaller and have thin atmospheres.

What is a common feature of inner planets?

Inner planets, or terrestrial planets, are characterized by their solid rocky surfaces and close proximity to the sun. They tend to have thin atmospheres and lack the presence of rings or many natural satellites.

What are two similarities about the inner and outer planets?

Both inner and outer planets orbit around the sun and have roughly spherical shapes. Additionally, they are part of the same solar system and are composed of similar elements, such as rock and metal for inner planets, and gas and ice for outer planets.

Which planets have atmospheres?

All planets in our solar system have atmospheres, but their compositions and characteristics vary. For example, Venus has a thick and toxic atmosphere primarily composed of carbon dioxide, while Mars has a thin atmosphere mainly made up of carbon dioxide. Earth's atmosphere is mostly nitrogen and oxygen. Gas giants like Jupiter and Saturn have thick atmospheres composed mostly of hydrogen and helium.

What describes the four inner planets?

Rockey and hotter .1. These planets have gaseous atmospheres.2. The inner planets all have one moon each.3. These terrestrial planets have surfaces that are rocky hard.4. The inner planets were formed differently than the outer planets.Those are the choices.. Thankks for your help, if you decide to help.

Which planets in the solar system are referred to as the inner planets and outer planets?

The 4 Inner planets (mostly rocky and solid):MercuryVenusEarthMarsThe 4 Outer planets (mostly dense gaseous atmospheres):JupiterSaturnUranusNeptuneNotes:Pluto, a dwarf planet, was an outer planet before it got reclassified, but resembles the inner planets.The inner and outer planets are separated by the asteroid belt.When dwarf planets are included, Ceres counts as an inner planet and all the other dwarf planets count as outer planets.