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Q: Do north poles create a magnetic force?
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What is the term for the attraction or repulsium between the poles of magnets?

The term for the attraction or repulsion between the poles of magnets is called magnetic force. This force is a result of the magnetic field that surrounds magnets and interacts with other magnetic materials.

How will you magnetize two north poles?

Two north poles will repel each other due to their like magnetic charges. To "magnetize" them together, you would need to flip one of them around so that it becomes a south pole. This will create attraction between the two poles and they will come together due to the magnetic force.

Which of these are magnetic poles east and west or north and south or red and blue or up and down?

North and south are magnetic poles. Magnetism is a fundamental force that exists between these two poles, which are attracted to each other. On the other hand, east and west, red and blue, and up and down are not related to magnetic poles.

Magnetic poles that are alike?

When two magnetic poles that are alike (North-North or South-South) are brought close together, they will repel each other. This is because like magnetic poles create a force that pushes them away from each other due to their similar magnetic orientation.

Where in a bar magnetic is the magnetic flux the strongest?

The magnetic flux of a magnet is strongest in its poles. There poles of a magnet are those points where the magnetic lines of force emanate and enter. The poles are termed as north and south. The north pole is also called the N-pole or the north-seeking pole. Consequently, the south pole may also be referred to as the S-pole or the south-seeking pole.

Related questions

Do poles create a magnetic force?


Where is a magnets pull the strongest?

The north and south poles.

Which force acts between a north and south pole?

The force that acts between a north and south pole is the magnetic force. This force is attractive, causing the poles to be pulled towards each other.

Where is the magnetic force around a magnetic the strongest?

At the magnet's north and south poles.

What kind of force acts between magnetic poles if the are alike?

If the magnetic poles are alike (north-north or south-south), they will repel each other due to the inverse square law of magnetic force. The force of repulsion increases as the distance between the like poles decreases.

What pulls magnets and magnetic objects together?

Magnets and magnetic objects are pulled together by magnetic force, which is caused by the alignment of their magnetic fields. This attraction is strongest at the poles of magnets and weaker as you move away from the poles.

Where is the magnetic force the greatest on a magnet?

The magnetic force of a magnet is strongest at its poles. This is because the field lines of the magnetic field are most concentrated at the poles where they enter and leave the magnet. At the poles the magnetic field is strongest and the force is the greatest. The north pole is where the magnetic field lines enter the magnet. The south pole is where the magnetic field lines leave the magnet. The magnetic field lines are most concentrated at the poles. The magnetic force is greatest at the poles.

Which of these are magnetic poles east and west or north and south or red and blue or up and down?

North and south are magnetic poles. Magnetism is a fundamental force that exists between these two poles, which are attracted to each other. On the other hand, east and west, red and blue, and up and down are not related to magnetic poles.

Where does the magnetic force come from within the earth?

The magnetic force within the Earth comes from the movement of molten iron and nickel in the outer core. This movement generates electric currents, which in turn create a magnetic field. This magnetic field is what gives the Earth its north and south magnetic poles.

The lines of magnetic force generated by the fluid motions of the earth's core result in the formation of what?

A.) magnetic north and south poles B.) north magnetic pole C.) north pole D.) north and south poles E.) south magnetic pole these are the options ^^

Why do opposite magnetic poles attract?

Opposite magnetic poles attract because they have different magnetic orientations (north and south) that seek to align with each other to create a stable magnetic field. This alignment creates a force that pulls the poles together.

Do magnetic poles that are not like attract?

Yes, magnetic poles that are not like (i.e., north and south poles) attract each other due to the magnetic force between them. This is based on the principle that opposite magnetic poles attract while like magnetic poles repel each other.