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because it is easier to live in and the climate is always warm

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1mo ago

Yes, a majority of the world's population lives in mid-latitude climate regions due to the moderate temperatures and varied weather patterns, which are more favorable for human habitation and agriculture. These regions also tend to have well-defined seasons and sufficient rainfall to support diverse ecosystems and human activities.

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Q: Do most people live in a mid-latitude climate region?
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Who are the people who live in the subarctic climate?

People who live in the subarctic climate generally include indigenous groups such as the Inuit, Yupik, and Aleut in North America, as well as the Saami in Scandinavia and Russia. Other populations living in this region may be residents of small towns or villages, primarily engaged in activities like hunting, fishing, and trapping.

How might the characteristics of a region affect how its used by people?

The characteristics of a region, such as climate, terrain, and natural resources, can influence how it is used by people. For example, a region with fertile soil may be well-suited for agriculture, while a region with mountainous terrain may be better for tourism or resource extraction. These characteristics can shape the economy, culture, and lifestyle of the people who live in the region.

How does climate affect live on the interior plains?

Climate on the interior plains can impact agriculture, wildlife, and human populations. It can determine the types of crops that can be grown, the availability of water sources, and the prevalence of extreme weather events like droughts or floods. Overall, the climate plays a significant role in shaping the ecosystem and the way people live and work in the region.

What are people of cold places called?

People who live in cold places are often referred to as polar or arctic inhabitants, depending on the specific region. They have adapted to the harsh climate and have traditional ways of living that suit their environment.

How does the climate affect a place?

You can say, for example, because I've noticed this alot. People who live in colder climates tend to become sad, moody, and depressed easier than people who live in hotter climates, and they tend to be more energetic and happy. Also cold weather can effect people going out with their family and friends.

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In what climate region do most Central Americans live and why?

Most Central Americans live in a tropical climate region. This is because Central America is located near the equator, resulting in warm temperatures year-round. The tropical climate supports diverse ecosystems and agriculture in the region.

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The southern region of Canada has the warmest climate.

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Historically, it has had better climate than the rest of the country, as the north has the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts while the south had a tropical climate.

What animals live in the steppe climate region?

Polar bears.

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golden jackals

How do the people of the region Atlantic region live?

they live as we do today

What climate zone is Norway in?

The upper region of Noray is arctic climate. The southern region is temperate climate. The richest vegetation in Norway can be found in the South. Reindeer and other arctic animals live in the North.

Why people live where they live?

People live where they because of the climate and the culture of the contry.

Where do most people in Africa live?

Which of the four climate zones do most people live in Africa

How does climate affects the ways that Latin Americans live?

temperature and rainfall not only affect what plants grow naturally in that region, but also what people can grow there

Who are the people who live in the subarctic climate?

People who live in the subarctic climate generally include indigenous groups such as the Inuit, Yupik, and Aleut in North America, as well as the Saami in Scandinavia and Russia. Other populations living in this region may be residents of small towns or villages, primarily engaged in activities like hunting, fishing, and trapping.