Polar Bears live in the North pole, but penguins don't.Penguins live in the south pole. Not many insects can survive at those temperatures, but there is one tiny insect that can survive at the south pole.
No, mosquitoes do not typically live in the North Pole due to the extreme cold temperatures and lack of standing water, which they need to lay their eggs. Mosquitoes are more commonly found in temperate and tropical regions where conditions are more favorable for breeding and survival.
No, penguins do not live in the North Pole. Penguins are primarily found in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica, South America, Africa, and Australia. The North Pole is home to polar bears, seals, and Arctic birds, but not penguins.
Penguins are primarily found in the Southern Hemisphere, with species residing in locations such as Antarctica, Australia, New Zealand, and South America. They do not live in the North Pole.
The scientists and workers studying the health of planet Earth at the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Research Station live closest to the South Pole -- on a temporary basis.
Walruses do not live at the South Pole, or on Antarctica.
Bears do not live at the South Pole or, on Antarctica.
they don't they live in the south pole
Polar Bears live in the North pole, but penguins don't.Penguins live in the south pole. Not many insects can survive at those temperatures, but there is one tiny insect that can survive at the south pole.
No. There are no land living predators at the south pole.
None. The South Pole is too cold for animal life. No animals live there.
North pole
Penguins primarily live in the Southern Hemisphere, with most species residing in Antarctica, the sub-Antarctic islands, and parts of South America, Africa, and Australia. There are no penguins in the North Pole; they are exclusively found in the Southern Hemisphere.
Appaloosas can live anywhere but the north pole south pole or Antarctica
No, mosquitoes do not typically live in the North Pole due to the extreme cold temperatures and lack of standing water, which they need to lay their eggs. Mosquitoes are more commonly found in temperate and tropical regions where conditions are more favorable for breeding and survival.
No, penguins do not live in the North Pole. Penguins are primarily found in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica, South America, Africa, and Australia. The North Pole is home to polar bears, seals, and Arctic birds, but not penguins.
They dont live in the south pole.