

Do moons have to orbit a planet?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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11y ago

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Yes, because if they didn't they wouldn't be moons, they would just be chunks of rock or whatever they are made of.

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27 moons orbit Uranus that we know of

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the planet that has the most amount of moons is Jupiter which has 67 moons

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Moons don't orbit stars; they orbit planets. If it's a moon, then it orbits a planet. If it orbits a star, then it isn't a moon, it's a planet.

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A planet orbits a star. A moon orbits a planet or dwarf planet.

Are there moons orbiting the planet Mars?

Yes. Two moons orbit the planet Mars: Phobos and Deimos.

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Moons orbit around planets. They are natural satellites that are held in orbit by the planet's gravitational pull.

Is there a moon that doesn't orbit a planet?

Yes, there are moons that do not orbit planets but instead orbit other celestial bodies like asteroids or dwarf planets. For example, some moons of dwarf planets in the Kuiper Belt do not orbit a planet.

About Saturns moons?

The planet Saturn has 62 moons. 53 of these moons have an actual orbit. The largest of these moons is Titan.

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Asteroids orbit the sun. Moons orbit planets and planets orbit the sun. So you could say the moons orbit the sun. However, moons are kept in their orbits by the gravity of their planet and planets are kept in orbit by the gravity of the sun. So in that sense, moons do not orbit the sun.

What planet do The moons of io europeganymedecallisto all orbit around?

They orbit Jupiter.

Could Jupiter orbit one of Mars moons?

No, the moons of Mars (Phobos and Phoebe) orbit Mars. Jupiter is another planet and has its own moons.

What planet has no moons and orbit the sun fast?

Mercury .