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Mollies are a type of Freshwater Fish and do not require salt in their water. In fact, adding salt to their tank can be harmful to them. It is best to keep mollies in freshwater with good quality water parameters.

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Q: Do mollies need salt in their water?
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Related questions

Why do mollies need salt?

they don't need it ,but they prefer it.

What type of water do silver mollies need?

Silver Mollies need fresh water

Do dalmatian mollies need salt in their aquarium water?

No they do not "need" salt in their water. Mollies (Poecilia sp.) originally came from brackish (Estuarine) waters and provided it is done very slowly they can eventully live in a marine environment, but they have been kept and bred in fresh water for so long now that salt is not a neccessity as it once was 60 years ago.

How big do mollies have to be before you introduce algae eaters in a salt water aquarium?

6 foot

Does a silver molly fish live in salt water or fresh water?

Mollies are one of the few fish that can live in both fresh and salt water. If you are moving a fish from one to the other you should acclimate it slowly by putting the fish in a container and very slowly adding water from the new tank. (Example: Going from fresh to salt you would add a little bit of saltwater to the container with the fish in it regularly until it was mostly salt water after an hour or so.)

Why marine fish die when placed in fresh water aquarium?

They're designed for salt water, not fresh water! Just the way they are made. You can get aquarium salt from your local pet store, but don't put any in there if you have other freshwater fish that don't need it. Or get a tropical freshwater fish like mollies instead!

Do you need salt water?

I think you need water in your system and salt in your system but no salt water..................I think

Whats the purpose of the salt for platys in a fresh water aquarium?

Salt is commonly added to livebearer tanks because many of the livebearer species were originally collected/discovered in slightly salty water. However, platys are freshwater and don't like salt in the water. Mollies like salt in the water. That's one of the reasons they shouldn't be kept together. (The salt softens the water, to a degree.)

Can sailfin mollies live in an outdoor pond in Houston Texas?

There is no problem with a molly living in a pond. Be sure that there is adequate shade during the summer and that the pond is deep enough so that the water won't "cook" the fish in the heat. Also keep in mind mollies do like a little salt in their water.

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Why do salt water fish need salt water?

yes they do

How many mollies can a 1 gallon tank hold?

none because mollies need 5gallons and up