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Q: Do molecules move through the lipid bilayer or through proteins in diffusion?
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What molcule can pass through a lipid bilayer by simple diffusion with no assistance from proteins?

Carbon.water molecules,glucose molecules can pass through lipid bilayer by simple diffusion

What is the process in which certain molecules act as carriers to move materials such as sugar across the cell membrane?

This process is called facilitated diffusion. Molecules such as carrier proteins or channel proteins are involved in transporting specific substances across the cell membrane. These proteins provide a pathway for molecules to move into or out of the cell, bypassing the lipid bilayer.

When would facilitated diffusion be used?

Facilitated diffusion is used when molecules need to move across a cell membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration, but cannot pass through the lipid bilayer on their own. In facilitated diffusion, carrier proteins or channel proteins help facilitate the movement of these molecules across the membrane.

When does facilitated diffusion occur?

Facilitated diffusion occurs when molecules move across a cell membrane with the help of specific transport proteins. This process is used to transport large, polar, or charged molecules that cannot pass through the lipid bilayer unaided.

How do Lipid-soluble molecules and gases enter the cell?

diffusion through the lipid bilayer.

Molecules that permeate a plasma membrane by facilitated diffusion is what?

Molecules that permeate a plasma membrane by facilitated diffusion are typically larger, polar molecules that cannot pass through the lipid bilayer unassisted. These molecules rely on specific transport proteins embedded within the membrane to facilitate their movement across the membrane down their concentration gradient.

What types of molecules diffuse through the cell membranes by facilitated diffusion?

Molecules that are charged or polar, such as ions, glucose, and amino acids, diffuse through cell membranes by facilitated diffusion. This process relies on carrier proteins or channel proteins to help facilitate the movement of these molecules across the membrane.

What does Phospholipid Bilayer?

The phospholipid bilayer is the outer layer of the cell. It only lets very small molecules through it. The bigger ones will have to go through the proteins lodged in the bilayer and the HUGE molecules will have to perform exocytosis or endocytosis

What is the lipid bilayer impermeable to?

The lipid bilayer is impermeable to large polar molecules, such as ions and most proteins. It is also impermeable to water-soluble molecules that are not specifically transported across the membrane by proteins or channels.

What are molecules on the cell membrane responsible for?

Letting different molecules in and out of a cell. Chemicals including steroid hormones, reactants and products of respiration...ect. the chemicals have to pass through the phospholipid bilayer (which is made from phosphates and fatty acid chains) molecules pass through the bilayer through passive diffusion, facilitated diffusion and active transport.

What can't pass through the phospholipid bilayer?

Large molecules such as proteins, charged ions, and polar molecules have difficulty passing through the phospholipid bilayer due to its hydrophobic core. These molecules often require assistance from transport proteins or channels to facilitate their movement across the membrane.

Proteins do not pass through cell membranes because?

Proteins do not pass through cell membranes freely because they are large molecules that cannot easily fit through the membrane's lipid bilayer. Instead, proteins are typically transported into or out of cells through specific channels or transport proteins in a process called facilitated diffusion or active transport.