Male weed plants do not produce buds or flowers for consumption like female plants do. Their main function is to produce pollen for fertilizing female plants to produce seeds. If left unattended, male plants do not yield any usable cannabis.
marijuana, weed.
Male weed plants produce male seeds, which are essentially non-viable for reproduction. If you want to obtain female seeds for growing cannabis, it is necessary to use pollen from a male plant to pollinate a female plant to produce seeds.
yes. because it contains high glucose for the plants or weed to absorb the nutrients
Weed's seeds
Stink weed does stink. Several plants are called stink weed such as Tree of Heaven a.k.a. Ghetto Palm a.k.a. Ailanthus a.k.a. Stink Tree. Jimson weed is also called stink weed. If you don't think either of these plants stink, you ought to look up "Anosmia", "Hyposmia", or "Dysosmia"...your nose just isn't working right.
A Marijuana plant has a potent and distinct odor. Whether or not it smells bad is a matter of personal opinion.
Male weed plants do not produce buds or flowers for consumption like female plants do. Their main function is to produce pollen for fertilizing female plants to produce seeds. If left unattended, male plants do not yield any usable cannabis.
Male plants stink a little, but it's the female with more THC & sap stinks to highheavens.
stink bugs r not female because females don't stink male dofemale stink bugs NO male r stink bugs
yes but the male plants will pollenate the female plants,makeing you weed verry seedy
it is generalization..
yes raffelsia do stink from all the dead bugs that draged the pollin from other plants plants.
Depending on whether you are talking about male or female plants- If females are left to grow unpollenated by male flowers, the tips will become heavily crystallised. Then plants would have to be harvested at the right time and in the right way.
Wild Plants Could Make Your Breath Stink But Really It Depends What Is Eaten