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The inputs to the brain are the senses. Pain is part of the touch sensation but macrophages react to it rather than cause it directly.

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Q: Do macrophages in any way communicate with the brain?
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Is there any way to insert the information to the brain other than learning process?

Any stimulus that is picked up by the afferent receptor nerves bring information to the brain, then it is integrated and processed. So far, another avenue has not been found to directly insert information to the brain without it going through this process.

Can you contract your brain like a muscle?

No, you simply can't contract your brain. First of all, the brain isn't a muscle, and even if you could, there are no sensory rescptors inside your brain to fell it. So if I somehow found my way inside your brain, you'd be unable to feel it.

What is the region of the brain where almost all sensory signals pass through on the way to the cerebrum?

The thalamus is the region of the brain where almost all sensory signals pass through on the way to the cerebrum. It acts as a relay station, processing and directing sensory information to the appropriate areas of the brain for further processing.

What do red blood cells do in the brain?

Red blood cells don't get as far as the brain itself; they do enter the head, and provide oxygen to the cerebro-spinal fluid in which the brain bathes. What you should understand about red blood cells and the brain is that the brain is an unusually delicate organ, in which a red blood cell can actually get in the way of the normal function of the brain, by intruding into a nerve synapse. That is why the brain does not use blood directly, as other organs do.

What organs is the least sensitive to the lack of blood?


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Does lymphoid macrophages secrete antibodies into the blood?

There's a lot we don't currently know about lymphoid (ED3) Macrophages but it's relatively safe to assume that they do not have any major role in secreting antibodies. Macrophages tend to engulf and enzymatically destroy foreign objects in the body, this is their major purpose, if that object is coated in antibodies they're better at destroying it but they do not produce those antibodies themselves. The only real way that macrophages affect antibody production is that after destruction of intruder they'll present elements of the intruder to another variety of immune cell which will then go on to produce antibodies, it's also possible that they will produce interleukins or other compounds to upregulate antibody production but again: macrophages are not known to produce antibodies.