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Q: Do ions dissolve in a which functional group acts as an acid when placed in solution?
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What functional group makes sugar water soluble?

The hydroxyl (-OH) functional group on sugar molecules contributes to their solubility in water. This group allows for hydrogen bonding with water molecules, helping sugar dissolve and form a homogenous solution.

Functional group contained in the compound CH3CHO is a?

The NH2 functional group of this organic compound, is called an Amine. this is a basic sidebranch, which when in solution will give an overall basic (alkalinic as some know it) presence. This could be identified, on this particular compound (Ethanamine/ethylamine/aminoethane) by addition of an acid, which will trigger an acid base reaction by which the NH2 group can be identified.

Is an acidic functional group that can dissociate and release H plus into a solution?

Yes, an acidic functional group that can dissociate and release H+ into a solution is called a proton donor. Examples of acidic functional groups include carboxylic acids, phenols, and acidic hydrogens in alcohols.

What functional group can cause an organic molecule to act as an acid?

A carboxylic acid functional group (-COOH) can cause an organic molecule to act as an acid. It donates a proton (H+) in solution, making the molecule acidic.

What is the CH3CH2CH2-NH2 functional group?

The functional group is the NH2. It is an amino functional group.

What functional group do bases have?

Bases typically have the functional group known as the amine group, which contains a nitrogen atom bonded to hydrogen atoms. This amine group is responsible for the basic properties of the compound, as it can accept protons in solution.

What is an acidic group?

An acidic group is a functional group in a molecule that can release a proton (H+) when in a solution, resulting in an acidic behavior. Examples include carboxylic acids and phenols. These groups can donate hydrogen ions and lower the pH of a solution.

What is the functional group?

It is the amino functional group amine

What is a functional group that would cause a molecule like citric acid to be acidic?

A carboxylic acid functional group would cause a molecule like citric acid to be acidic. This group can release a proton (H+) in solution, leading to the formation of a negatively charged carboxylate ion and contributing to the acidity of the molecule.

What is in a molecule influences the way that molecule reacts?

Functional groups are responsible for chemical reactions of molecules.

Why functional group is a group but not a molecule?

Functional group is a part of an organic molecule which takes a part in chemical reaction for example in alcohols functional group is -OH , in carboxylic acids is -COOH and so on, but formaldehyde CH2O is a molecule and it is completely a functional group.

What is the functional group of formic acid?

The functional group of formic acid is the carboxylic acid group, which consists of a carbonyl group attached to a hydroxyl group. This functional group is represented as -COOH.