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Q: Do ionic substances have weak intermolecular structures?
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Why molecular substances with weak intermolecular forces have low melting points?

The cause is just this weak intermolecular force, ease to be broken.

Do simple molecular substances have high or low melting and boiling points?

Simple molecular substances typically have low melting and boiling points. This is because the weak intermolecular forces, such as London dispersion forces, in simple molecular substances are easily overcome compared to the stronger bonds in ionic or metallic substances.

Why do molecular substances with weak inter-molecular forces have low melting points?

The cause is just this weak intermolecular force, ease to be broken.

In a substance that sublimes the intermolecular forces of attraction are?

In a substance that sublimes, the intermolecular forces of attraction are weak enough to allow the molecules to transition directly from solid to gas phase without passing through the liquid phase. This means that the intermolecular forces in the solid phase are weaker compared to substances that do not sublime.

Why do molecular compounds have low melting points and low boiling points relative to ionic substances?

The melting points and boiling points of molecular covalent compounds (ones with discrete molecules) are lower than ionic solids and giant molecule covalent compounds like (silica, SiO2) because the forces that attract them together in the solid and the liquid states (van der waals, hydrogen bonding and dispersion forces) are weaker than ionic (or covalent) bonds.

Why do substances made up of simple molecules have low points?

Substances made up of simple molecules have low melting points because there are strong bonds between the atoms in the molecule, but weak bonds holding the molecules together. Therefore, the intermolecular forces break fairly easily, due to the fact that they are weak and the covalent bonds making up the molecule do not break because they are strong. This means that, due to the weak intermolecular forces breaking down easily, simple molecular substances have low melting and boiling points.

What does it mean for a substance to be a pure substances?

If a pure substance is volatile it means that it vaporizes readily at room temperature. This also means that the substance has weak intermolecular forces.

What does a strong odor indicate about the strength of intermolecular forces in a compound and why?

A strong odor typically indicates that the compound has weak intermolecular forces. This is because substances with weak intermolecular forces tend to easily vaporize and disperse in the air, allowing their molecules to reach our nose more easily and produce a noticeable smell. Conversely, compounds with strong intermolecular forces tend to have lower vapor pressures and are less likely to produce a strong odor.

When two substances are put in the same container why do they not attract each other?

When two substances are put in the same container, they do not attract each other because different substances have different intermolecular forces. If the intermolecular forces between the two substances are weak, they are more likely to mix and not separate. This is why, for example, oil and water separate in a container due to their different polarities.

Substances that can be transformed to a gas at relatively low temperatures are termed?

Substances that can be transformed into a gas at relatively low temperatures are called volatile substances. These substances have weak intermolecular forces that allow them to readily transition from a liquid or solid state to a gas at lower temperatures compared to non-volatile substances.

Is NaCl is a weak ionic bond?

Yes, NaCl is weak ionic bond.

Some substances evaporate more easily than other because they?

have weaker intermolecular forces, which allow the molecules to escape into the gas phase more readily.