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No, water is H2O therefore it has two hydrogens and one oxygen.

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Yes. hydrogen and oxygen molecules form water.

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Q: Do hydrogen and oxygen molecules form water?
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When hydrogen molecules and oxygen molecules are burned in a closed chamber what are the result?

When hydrogen and oxygen molecules are burned in a closed chamber, they react to form water molecules (H2O) as a result of combustion. This reaction releases energy in the form of heat and light.

Which element is an explosive gas but when combined with oxygen in a certain way makes water?

Hydrogen is the explosive gas that, when combined with oxygen in a process called electrolysis, can produce water. In this reaction, two molecules of hydrogen combine with one molecule of oxygen to form two molecules of water.

What determines the cohesiveness of water molecules?

The cohesiveness of water molecules is determined by hydrogen bonds. These bonds form between the hydrogen atoms of one water molecule and the oxygen atoms of neighboring water molecules, creating a strong attraction that allows water molecules to stick together.

If there are two atoms of oxygen and four atoms of hydrogen before the reaction what will be true after the reaction?

After the reaction, if the two atoms of oxygen and four atoms of hydrogen react to form water (H2O), the resulting molecules will contain two oxygen atoms and four hydrogen atoms in the water molecule. So, the total number of atoms will remain the same, with two hydrogen molecules combining with one oxygen molecule to form two water molecules.

What is polar in water?

In water, polar refers to molecules or compounds that have an uneven distribution of charge, with one end being slightly positive and the other end being slightly negative. This property allows polar molecules to form hydrogen bonds with water molecules and leads to their ability to dissolve in water. Examples of polar substances in water include salt (NaCl) and sugar (C6H12O6).

Related questions

What can water molecules form hydrogen bonds with?

Water molecules can form hydrogen bonds with other water molecules as well as with molecules containing oxygen or nitrogen atoms, such as alcohol, amine, and carboxylic acid molecules.

What happens when hydrogen and oxygen molecules form water?

A chemical reaction between oxygen and hydrogen occur.

What does Hydrogen combine with to make water?

Hydrogen combines with Oxygen to make water, with the chemical formula H2O.

When hydrogen and oxygen react to form water what happens to the atoms of the hydrogen and oxygen?

The hydrogen atoms bond with the oxygen atoms to form water molecules, where each water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. During this reaction, the hydrogen and oxygen atoms do not disappear or change into different elements; they simply rearrange to form a new compound, water.

When you burn hydrogen and oxygen what molecule is created?

When you burn hydrogen and oxygen, the molecules combine to form water (H2O).

Are oxygen and hydrogen compounds or molecules?

Hydrogen and oxygen are elements that usually take the form of molecules.

When water freezes to form ice what connects the water molecules?

hydrogen bonds

Does water contain carbohydrates?

No. Carbohydrates do contain hydrogen and oxygen, but not in the form of individual water molecules.

How many oxygen atoms I need to form five water molecules?

You would need 10 oxygen atoms to form five water molecules. Each water molecule consists of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. So, 5 water molecules would require a total of 10 hydrogen atoms and 5 oxygen atoms.

Does ice have hydrogen and oxygen?

Yes, ice is made up of water molecules, which consist of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. When water freezes, these molecules arrange themselves in a crystalline structure to form ice.

Is using electricity to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen a chemical change?

Yes, using electricity to separate water into hydrogen and oxygen is a chemical change because it involves breaking the bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water molecules to form separate hydrogen and oxygen molecules. This process is known as electrolysis.

Is decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen a chemical process?

Yes, the decomposition of water into hydrogen and oxygen is a chemical process. It involves breaking the bonds between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in water molecules to form new compounds (hydrogen gas and oxygen gas).