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Yes, hoverflies nest in compost. The insects in question (Syrphidae family) may be attracted to compost heaps, piles, and piles and to uncovered compost bins and containers. They particularly will be attracted to carbon- and nitrogen-rich materials -- especially kitchen scraps and plant parts -- which are in the process of breaking down into dark-colored, fresh-smelling, nutrient rich humus.

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Q: Do hoverflies nest in compost
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Where the hoverflies live?

in the house

What is the difference between compost pile and compost pit?

A compost pile is compost in a pile or heap. a compost pit is compost in a pit or hole in the ground.

What is the only animal able to fly backwards?

Not only Hummingbirds. Dragonflies and Hoverflies can also fly backwards.

How do you spell compost?


What kinds of compost are offered at Cedar Grove?

Cedar Grove offers several kinds of compost. They sell landscape mulch, organic compost, compost with manure and compost mixed with sand. One can order the compost online.

What is an antonym for compost?

No word is exactly opposite of "compost". Most object nouns have no opposite except for the combination of "not + (that object)". Not compost is opposite of compost.

What percent of new compost should be old compost?

There is no need to mix old and new compost. Old compost ,if ready, should be used on its own. New material will take time to rot down to compost.

How is compost form?

Compost is awesome Compost is formed by decayed vegetable matter. Potting compost is a mixture of various ingredients used for potting pot plants.

Should Compost be full of Bugs and Roaches?

Commercial compost should be sterile so if bought compost the answer is no.

How does a compost bin work?

the compost turns into monkeys

What can make Vermiform compost?

Vermiform compost is a type of compost that is produced by redworms, white worms or earthworms. These worms consume organic waste and leave behind a rich compost.

Why do you use compost?

Compost can help your plants grow better