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Hippos can mate, but they poygamous, which means they mate with more than one partner.

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4w ago

Hippos give birth on land, typically in shallow waters or on riverbanks. The calf is born underwater and the mother helps guide it to the surface to breathe.

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13y ago

hippo's give birth underwater not on land

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Q: Do hippos give birth in the water or on land?
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Do hippos live in water all the time or on land?

Hippos are land and water animals. Their territory tends to mostly stay in the river they reside in and on its banks. They are built to be masters of both land and water. Hippos are land animals that spend most of their time in water.

How is a baby hippo born?

hippo's give birth underwater not on land

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Most dolphin species actually take flight to give birth!

Do penguins give birth on in water?

No. Penguins lay eggs, on land.

Why are hippos called semi aquatic?

Because sometimes they are on land, and sometimes they are in water.

Do reptile lay eggs in water?

Most reptiles do not lay eggs in water. They typically lay their eggs on land, either in burrows or nests dug into the ground. However, some turtles do lay their eggs in sandy areas close to water, where the eggs can be protected.

Do dolphins give birth in the ocean or upon land?

Dolphins are aquatic creatures, they don't go on land at all; so they woulds have no opportunity to give birth on land.

What animals live between land and water?

quite a few. there is turtles, crocidiles, toads, frogs and hippos i think.

Do toads give birth in water?

Toads don't give birth as such, they lay strings of eggs looking like small beads of clear jelly. But yeah, they (usually, depends on which specie and where it lives) lay these in water.

Do hippos live in water or on land?

Both actually. Hippos spend most of the day in water. It helps them control body temperature, protect them against predators, biting insects and sunburn, and take some weight off their feet and legs. But they don't eat much in water, and generally go on land during night to graze.

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How do you call animals that live both on land and in water?

Call the samething like a mammal. It depends if it lay eggs or give birth.